Two Years and Counting

Wow, what a great way to start a day! Seeing so many beautiful words from so many beautiful people.
As I said at Barix this month, I find support to be crucial to successing, no matter WHAT form it comes in. I am not at Barix very often, but when I do get there, I certainly treasure each and every moment.
During all those months I CAN'T get to Barix, I so much enjoy, and more importantly NEED, all of you in my personal life in any way I can - be it through OH, texting, support group meetings at Liz's, and sometimes just a panicked phone call at ungodly hours of the day and night.
I have been truly blessed over the past two years. Not everything has been a picture perfect world, but with my tool and my friends I have learned to begin to navigate otherwise calm waters with determination, focus, and more importantly, WITHOUT food.
There is still so much to learn, so much to experience. And I can't wait to do it all.
This year inparticular has been nothing short than amazing. I found the courage to leave my "comfort" job full time and move Brian and I to a place where we are better off. Better off emotionally, financially, and more wealthy in friendships. Today also marks my one year anniversary of leaving that job as a full time basis. I'm fairly certain I was more scared of that then I was surgery the year before that.
I was able to take my new found self confidence and begin a new career at LVH. And to this day I KNOW I could not have done this job with my extra weight. It has been physically, emotionally, and intellectually challenging, and I have loved almost every minute of it.
Zip lining?! OMG. Never never never even CROSSED MY MIND to do such things. And I had blast, and can't wait for another trip! Yes, it was scary, and yes, there were times I said to myself "What the heck am I doing?" But the answer to that question was always the same "I am SUCCESSING"
I am living life as I wanted to live it for so long. I am active. I exercise. I eat right *most* of the time. I read labels and really understand their meaning.
Thank you. Everyone of you has played some part of amazing roll in my journey and I can truly say that my successing is built on so many of YOUR successing paths that you have paved for me.
I love you all!
Pam, aka "tiny girl", aka Trixie, aka nurse

Enjoy year 3!
Jackie J.
1 choice @ a time > 1 day @ a time. Slow to Succeed is still Success ;-)