Monday Roll Call
I have a good friend who is 76 and I kinda stole that one from her, as for what you are alluding to. . . we are only as "old" as we feel and I feel about 30 on most days! Besides with maturity comes wisdom, which is a perk of this place in life (lol)!
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Morning, all... well, Noon, All...
I stayed home sick from work today (first time in a LOOOONG time). Just feeling so incredibly crappy - sinuses running like faucets, coughing, can't stop sneezing. Felt pretty good the whole weekend (thought i had this cold pretty much licked) and then about 7 pm last night WHAMMY. I even had everything packed for the gym and work and all today, but just could not make it out of bed and slept horribly last night. ARGH.
I do have to go in to teach tonight - no way to cancel this late and the one lab assistant who could sub for me is at the hospital with her daughter, who's very ill, and the other one is home sick with H1N1 and a son with H1N1. So i'll be dragging my butt into school a little later. It will be a very low energy class, I'm certain.
Ah well. I'm going to keep taking my vitamins and drinking lots of fluids, and will hopefully feel better in no time.
I stayed home sick from work today (first time in a LOOOONG time). Just feeling so incredibly crappy - sinuses running like faucets, coughing, can't stop sneezing. Felt pretty good the whole weekend (thought i had this cold pretty much licked) and then about 7 pm last night WHAMMY. I even had everything packed for the gym and work and all today, but just could not make it out of bed and slept horribly last night. ARGH.
I do have to go in to teach tonight - no way to cancel this late and the one lab assistant who could sub for me is at the hospital with her daughter, who's very ill, and the other one is home sick with H1N1 and a son with H1N1. So i'll be dragging my butt into school a little later. It will be a very low energy class, I'm certain.
Ah well. I'm going to keep taking my vitamins and drinking lots of fluids, and will hopefully feel better in no time.