Shopping Wows
One item for me was waaaaay back in jr. high. The "in" look was these sweater dresses type things. By that time I was already well overweight and lets say clingy bulky material did NOT agree with me. I distinctly remember trying on various styles of these, only to be told by my mom "That really isn't the look you should go for" or something similar.
The other one was calf height black boots. Although "muscular" my legs were also chunky and never once could I find a pair that looked good in a "regular" store. The only pair of calf/knee height black boots I have owned is a pair from "Torrid" which is a "plus size alternative clothing store" (think hot topic for big girls) I fit into them for multiple they are bigger. Two...they were "expandable" by laces. I still wear those boots to this day (they can also be tightened with the laces so they still fit)
Well, yesterday Brian saw a sweater dress type thing in the window of Old Navy. He said "that would look GREAT on you" Immediately...all those negative thoughts came back. I "knew" how it would look. It would cling to me in all the wrong would show off my rolls...I would look like an oompa loompa in 2 seconds flat. fashion advisor (as brian calls himself) would hear nothing of it.
Went in...put it on...and holy looks GREAT!!! Granted, I still have to wear my spanx with it because of some extra skin but hot damn does it look good. And $25....who can complain?
Fast fwd a few hours...find a REALLY cute pair of knee high black boots. That would go, by the way, phenomenally well with said dress for thanksgiving with a pair of black opaque tights. Again...I immediately look at my calves and tell Bri "but you know things like that don't zip around my calves" "Oh, they will NOW" he says. Go in...try them on. Sexy!!!
Put the whole outfit on today...sheesh...who is that standing in the mirror? For the first time in a loooong time I actually teared up looking at myself. And the kicker? Again, Mr. Fashionista says to me "That dress needs only one thing....a large black belt around your midsection" I HAVE NEVER EVER EVER even CONSIDERED wearing a belt over a dress before. There was a time that all that would do is point to exactly where my rolls are. Needless to say...I am on the hunt for a black belt to "complete" the outfit.
Cool beans! I'm wearing the outfit for thanksgiving...I will have pics then. I didn't take any today because the medusa wild hair and smeared black eye liner I neglected to take off last night is not becoming!
2 years out...still successing!

Lucky for you, you did this while still young enough to enjoy many of the styles that you could not while you were fluffy. . . ENJOY!!! Good thing you have such a good fashionista as an advisor too!

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Love to you~
RNY 9/05, Plastics 9/08
Still doing it after all of these years...
The dress is purple and it comes to about my knees, maybe a touch shorter.
And of COURSE I don't mind ya going to Old Navy. Maybe we could be twins? they had them in white/cream color (I'm FAR to messy to be wearing a white dress. Trying to get through my wedding day was QUITE enough of that for me, LOL), black, and I think Grey.
I'll post pics after Thanksgiving!

It sounds like you guys not only had a great time and got some fantastic deals and looks, but that you're mending things as well between you, and that's just one more wow for you.
Cannot wait to see the outfit - it sounds adorable!! Congrats on having so many wows in one day at 2 years out - that's awesome!!
And yes, we are working on things. We're not in a perfect spot right now - but we're a hell of a lot better than we were. When I came home Friday morning things temporarily got worse before they got better. The big "D" word was mentioned more than once in a 3 hour marathon conversation - but we're not headed down that road and I have no intentions of EVER visiting that road. Our marriage anniversary is Nov 19 and is 4 years - although we've been together for 9 years on that same day (we got married on our dating anniversary) and we both believe that almost a decade is way to long to just throw away. It was a wonderful day on Saturday and we've enjoyed the weekend together. He just got done doing all of my dishes as a matter of fact :)
Pics after Thanksgiving!

I'm happy to hear you turned that corner and are on the road to making things better again. I heard something very profound from Will Smith on a TV talk show one time - he said that when he and Jada got married they made a vow to each other that the 'D' word would never come into their conversations - that no matter how tough things got they would never go as far as even using the word - I thought that was pretty cool. And you have been together a long time - too long to just throw it all away. I'll be celebrating my 20th on Nov 11 - and we've had some doozies along the way, too! But we got thru it and seemed to be stronger for it.
Life - ain't it grand!!! LOL!!