Pyrex warning. . .
Please see click on and follow the link and if you are unsure about what's in your closet that you are baking with, then be real careful going forward. BTW, I had a co-worker a few years back that became permanently disabled by a piece of pyrex that cut through a tendon/nerve in her hand, though did not know then what I know by reading this article. . .
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I too had a pyrex "explode" in the oven. There are very specific rules about using pyrex pans in the oven, mine came with a "flyer" on how to use them. For example if you do go freezer to oven you have to start in a cold oven. Also you can't use them in an oven over 375 degrees. I love mine and use it for everything - just be careful!
Thanks for the warnings Laureen!
Oh and I was told that mine must have had a defect in the glass and it was replaced free of charge by the manufacturer - I just had to send them in some broken pieces.
Thanks for the warnings Laureen!
Oh and I was told that mine must have had a defect in the glass and it was replaced free of charge by the manufacturer - I just had to send them in some broken pieces.