1 Month checkup
I saw Dr. Dempsey today for my one month check up.
He said I'm doing well, gave me a slip to have labs drawn. He gave me a tentative date to go back to work of Nov 16th but doesn't want me to go back to wor****il I see my PCP, and have the labs done. He said we can always adjust the return to work date if I or he doesn't think I'm ready on the 16th.
He also told me to keep walking but no Curves until the 16th also which is tentative.
He was very happy with my healing from the surgery. He is happy with my blood sugars, they are continuing to come down daily. He said I look great - what a compliment!!! And he's very satisfied considering I was such a high risk patient.
I've lost 35 pounds
I'm in my size 14 jeans
I'm in my XL shirts
What an amazing difference a month has made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He said I'm doing well, gave me a slip to have labs drawn. He gave me a tentative date to go back to work of Nov 16th but doesn't want me to go back to wor****il I see my PCP, and have the labs done. He said we can always adjust the return to work date if I or he doesn't think I'm ready on the 16th.
He also told me to keep walking but no Curves until the 16th also which is tentative.
He was very happy with my healing from the surgery. He is happy with my blood sugars, they are continuing to come down daily. He said I look great - what a compliment!!! And he's very satisfied considering I was such a high risk patient.
I've lost 35 pounds
I'm in my size 14 jeans
I'm in my XL shirts
What an amazing difference a month has made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations!! That's fantastic news, especially on the lost pounds and the blood sugars coming down. Can't ask for better than that!
Did you get a doctor's note to stop your Curves membership while you can't go? Just wondering...I've been a bad girl by not going to Curves but I've been using my bike at home and probably getting a better work-out, but back to Curves next week - I do miss it.
I am very happy with my recovery so far. Now to tackle this tiredness. From Gene I'm guessing it might be B-12 so once the results from my labs are in, we should know what direction to take.
As a side note, it is not a bad thing to enjoy getting ride of the hubby for a day. I love the days Gene sees clients, I get so much done when we are not home together, just as he is looking forward to me returning to work so he can have time with me gone as well
As a side note, it is not a bad thing to enjoy getting ride of the hubby for a day. I love the days Gene sees clients, I get so much done when we are not home together, just as he is looking forward to me returning to work so he can have time with me gone as well
