Thrilling Thursday Roll Call

christine K.
on 10/21/09 10:33 pm - Chalfont, PA
Good Morning Liz & PA,

Liz, I am so sorry for your lose. Please know we are praying for you and your family.

Today I am working from 11-7:30. I am working an earlier shift because I have a round table meeting with the CEO. It's funny how loosing weight can build your confidence. The old me would be sitting in the corner praying I was not noticed and now I am looking forward to the meeting and having my voice heard.

After work I will be heading home. My brother in law is coming to visit from Charleston for the weekend! I am so excited as I just love him!! He is my favorite family member!! Plus, he has not seen me in about a year so I am hoping for some wows from him!! We are taking the kids to the zoo tomorrow which I am looking forward to.

I hope you all have a great day today! Way to go Phillies!!! 

Mary Benford
on 10/21/09 11:04 pm - Emmaus, PA

Good morning Liz and PA family....

    Liz, hang in there...   and so sorry for Chris and your loss. 

Pam...   GLAMOUR SHOTS!!!   I'm SOOOOO jealous!   I've wanted to do something like that for a while...  you'll have to let me know how it goes, and if it'd be worth the trip out there!

anyhow...   I'm going through some tough stressful times at work right now.   I'm trying to keep my head above water, but good lord, how much more of it can I take before I snap??

I'm over a week into quitting smoking, and not giving in.. no matter how much pressure is put on me...  I also haven't been stuffing my face like I feared I would. 

Tonight norm and I are going to hang some stuff in our freshly painted bedroom!  and then most likely relax for the rest of the evening.

I hope you all have a great day!

     Success is a journey... not a destination!     

on 10/21/09 11:14 pm - Gettysburg, PA
Congrats on the smoking thing. I have quit each time I was preggo and went right back to it. People don't understand how I do that. But when you don't quit because you WANT to, and you only do it because you HAVE to, the craving never subsides and the will power just over powers you.

I know I need to quit, but have yet to put forth the dedicated effort I should.

Hang in there. I know how tough it is!

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



on 10/22/09 12:43 am - Croydon, PA
I am here and well today.  I have a plan.  I'm drinking my water too.  Today's assignment is to not eat anything liquid or mushy that isn't satisfying.  I'm posting my back to basics food list too.  I think the recovery journey can be a fun one when you're in the right state of mind.  Today I'm working, eating on a plan, taking my daughter to therapy, and walking.

Blessings, Jill

WLS 5/31/07.  Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!

on 10/22/09 3:36 am - Lancaster, PA
Hey all.  I am late posting. Liz give Chris a hug for me. I feel like I am so out of the loop.

AT work today then going to go harrass the police dept still no report, or word on the other driver.
I am pretty darn sore today.

I am on call tonight so that should be interesting, hopefully it will be quiet.

on 10/22/09 4:04 am - Doylestown, PA
Hi Folks,

REALLY late checking in - was a very busy morning at work.  Still not feeling great, but got my butt to the gym for a STRIVE weight circuit before work.  Spent the entire day until now in meeting after meeting.  I'm wiped!

So I'm heading home around 4 to take my mom to the doctor's for a routine visit.  My hair appt got cancelled (poo) so then will be heading home for an evening working on jewelry (yay!).

Enjoy this gorgeous weather folks!

on 10/22/09 4:05 am - Doylestown, PA

That poor family!  Please pass my condolences to Chris - how horrible to lose both mother and daughter so close together.  Give him a big hug for me, will you?

Liz R.
on 10/22/09 4:23 am - Easton, PA
Thanks Karen - I will pass it along.
on 10/22/09 5:56 am - PA
Hi all!

I'm late as usual to roll call!

Liz---Please give Chris a hug for me!  Paul and I send our condolences.  What an awful thing for a family to have to go through!

I'm at work for another hour.  It's been a couple of rough days here.  The girlls in my group have been whispering a lot, which gets old.  I've chosen not to go to lunch with them this week---it's more relaxing for me to stick my nose in a book while I eat.  Things seemed a little better this afternoon, but I feel like we're back in 3rd grade. 

I'm going to be a bachelorette until Monday, and I have to admit I'm looking forward to it.  I want to purge and bag clothes to go to Goodwill and try to get my kitchen organized in a more useful set-up.  Hard to get starte on those chores, but it always feels so good when it's done.

Have a good evening everyone!

Liz R.
on 10/22/09 7:22 am - Easton, PA
Thanks - I will pass it along.

I love my weekends when Chris works - I know it sounds horrible but I get a lot more done!
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