Thrilling Thursday Roll Call

on 10/21/09 10:17 pm - Gettysburg, PA
Paula, have a great time and I hope you have some pics to show us afterwards!

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



Laureen S.
on 10/21/09 9:45 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Liz, PA!

Just a quick drive by before I head out the door to work. . .

Sorry to hear about Chris losing his Aunt and a cousin inside of a week.  Definitely in my prayers and positive thoughts list.

Today is a work day, followed by an AA meeting this evening.  Soooo exciting is my life ;)

Have a wonderful day and whatever challenges you are facing, I wish you peace and strength to carry on.

Hugs, prayers and positive thoughts,  Laureen

P.S.  For all you Phillie fans out there, way to go!

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 10/21/09 9:50 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - Liz, I'm so sorry to hear about Chris' aunt and cousin - please know that you're both in my thoughts and prayers (boy we do pray a lot out here, don't we!! - and that's a good thing).

I'm at work - embarrassed to say that I couldn't stay up to watch the big game last night - 5 AM just comes way too early for that, but hubby was off today so he got to stay up and watch his beloved Phils clinch the NL title yet again. On to the Series!!

Not much going on for me today - hoping mom is feeling better - she kept saying how tired she was and that's usually NOT a good sign as it indicates pnemonia in her system, but the visiting nurse is coming today and will examine her.

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 10/21/09 10:12 pm - Morgantown , PA
Goodmorning all. Up and online earlier then I usually am. I actually slept well last night:) So sorry to hear about Chris's loss. I will send prayers and good thoughts your guys way.
Today we are having lunch with the in laws at a pizza buffett, just what I need. LOL Then we will most likely go to the mall and walk around. Which is my exercise.
Hope everyone has a blessed day.

on 10/21/09 10:12 pm - Gettysburg, PA
Good Morning All!

I am at wor****il 4 today. Then home to wait for Comcast who will arrive *promtly* at 4:30-7:30. I find that SOOOO irritating. However, we are sick of fighting with the modems at home. We have 2 hard wired modems and a wireless. And it seems only one modem will work at a given time. It kicks the other one out and well............we ALL like to be on the internet. Taking turns isn't fun. LOL

I plan to make some BBQ chicken on the grill for dinner with some veggies. I may also play some Yhatzee with the boys or something, as they go to thier dad's tomorrow for a week and since school was so hectic this week, I didn't get too much quality time with the the last 3 evenings.

I hope everyone has a great day!

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



on 10/21/09 10:16 pm - Gettysburg, PA

Liz, I am sooo sorry for the losses in Chris's family. Thoughts and prayers!

RoseyNo, have a great time. We still need to try and connect since we live fairly close! LOL

Kathy, hope your mom is feeling better and that it's not Pheumonia settling in.

Lisa, great pic, have fun at bingo (I love it!), and have a great weekend.

Pam, I too, love my man to pieces but enjoy moments to myself. LOL

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



Lisa H.
on 10/22/09 3:46 am - Whitehall, PA
Thanks Jo!

Hopefully, I'll win some $$$ tonight so I have extra spending for the weekend!

My tracker


on 10/21/09 10:26 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Hi Liz and All of PA - Liz - I am soooo sorry for you and Chris!  What an awful time!  I wish you, him and his family strength during this difficult time.

So, I totally fell asleep on the living room sofa in the bottom of the 8th!  I woke up after the win and was annoyed that I missed it so I woke up my son, who fell asleep on the living room floor during the 5th inning, sent him off to bed and went to sleep myself.

Today has me feeling a little less cranky, but still not back to normal.  AAAHHHHH!!!!!!  I do however, have on pants that fit and they were the first pair I tried on this morning.  So, it should be a better day!

Today is a crazy day that I am still not sure how I am getting to everything.  Wor****il 3:15, then I am rushing home to get my girls packed, they are sleeping at their grandfathers this evening.  I have to pick up my 11 year old at school at 4:30 as she has field hockey practice, then I have to get myson at his school at 5:00 because of his wrestling practice, then I have to get all of the kids to the Hair Salon by 5:30 so the big one and the little one can get their hair cut.  The girls are being picked up by said grandfather so they can go to Shady Brook Farms with their girlscout troop.  I then have to run my son back home and go back to a restaurant literally down the street from the hair salon for a Bingo event with Hadassah, a Jewish Women's fund raising organization.

Here is the fly in the ointment so to speak, my sister just made settlement on her first house and is moving today.  I would really like to help her out, but I just don't know how to fit it in - she is not the kind of person who tells things ahead of time, so I really didn't know about this until Tuesday, so it is not like I made all of these plans just to avoid being with her.  I am torn, I know that my mom would have been there for her - but I have my own family to think about, and my husband said this morning, its not like she would EVER bend over backwards to help me out.  However, that is NOT the reason I want to do - I just want to be there to help her and my mom would want that.  So, I am still NOT sure what to do - the other issue is that she is Uber religious, therefore, I cannot help her out tomorrow night or Saturday as it is the Sabbath and I am not allowed there as I drive on the Sabbath....LONG STORY - not going into it here.  So - if anyone has any words of advice I am willing to listen to ANYTHING!

I hope you all have a nice day and I am sure those of is in the Philly area are PHEELING the PHEVER today!  World Series here we come!
Lisa H.
on 10/21/09 10:59 pm - Whitehall, PA
WOW>>>> you exhaust me.. this is why I have ONE child.  I can't keep up with her.

As for your sister, as I was reading your post of her moving, I was thinking too bad you can't go on Saturday.. LOL!  Can't you sneak in while she's at shul and pack some boxes or something.. oops did I say that?

Seriously, you cannot be there for everyone all the time.  You already stretch yourself WAAAAY thin and she will need to understand that your husband and child take first priority, as well as work obligations.  Don't let her pull the Jewish guilt on you.  

My tracker


on 10/21/09 11:10 pm - Gettysburg, PA
Bottom line------

You are responsible for YOUR family. Not her. IF you had free time, great. But you don't. So kindly tell her that you would have been happy to help her if you didn't already have 3 days full of activitites crammed into one evening. Offer her the times you CAN help. If that doesn't suit her, then she just doesn't get help. Plain & simple.

Be strong, stand your ground and do it WITHOUT guilt!

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



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