Hey I am overweight too
How great is that? Someone posted the other day that they were into the overweight BMI now and it dawned on me that I hadn't checked mine in awhile. Well low and behold I am Overweight. Now you all understand how exciting it is to be able to say that. When I told my family they all looked at me like I was nuts until I explained that I am no longer obeese. Havn't been able to say that since my senior year in high school and a very short lived period right after that. Yay me. Hey while I am here. I have been using the food tracker on the My OH page. Just found out they have one, and that is something I am VERY bad at is writing down what I eat. It is really helpful and since I am here a couple of times a day usually it works out very well. Just wondered if anyone else is using it and what you think. Have a great day everyone.