Thanks Liz...
Boy Dee, you are quick. I second the kudos to Liz, and you for the chili, and nan for the pancakes, and Lisa for the brownies, and Lois for the protein bar sample mmmmm it was all so good. I am definately going to make the egg bake and the bulgar wheat stuffing and the dip . . . .
Today was great!! I always enjoy coming to liz's!!! We had a blast. Lola cant wait to come back and Im making my mom and dad chili tomorrow. lol Also lola informed me that she wants to name her new kitty we buy her in Florida newman. she likes the name. lol..
Thank you liz!!!
Lola is in love with Lisa and wants to go to her house by the mall!!
Thank you liz!!!
Lola is in love with Lisa and wants to go to her house by the mall!!
awww!!! most def lisa!! We will have to make time one sat afternoon or sunday.. Whenever you free for lunch/dinner. Maybe Liz can come!!! She was so funny with you and Liz at the end.. She doesnt usaully take to people that quickly( even a few hours for her is quick!) You must have made a good impression!!