Well, at the Warrington store, they have a little "tent" set up with their own stand for them. It's the machine that makes them as well as the display with the already-made ones. They have it back by the cheese counter / olive bar area. Maybe ask at the front cust service counter if you can't find it.
I LOOOOOVE cocopops!!! Sometimes i put a little cashew butter on them (wegmans has an awesome one that's just cashews and a little safflower oil, NO added sugars or anything else). Sometimes I just eat them plain or with my grapes or fruit.
Even hubby (who is really picky about these things) has taken a liking to them (which means i'd better double the amount i'm buying!).
Even hubby (who is really picky about these things) has taken a liking to them (which means i'd better double the amount i'm buying!).
I did ask at Customer Service (at the Warrington store) where they would be located and she directed me to the ceral aisle, so I said to her "Not CocoPuffs, man I wish I could eat those, CocoPops- like a rice cake." She said, "Oh those things, they are by the Natural Foods in the back by the tea department, by their big yellow machines."
Thanks for all the suggestions! (I'm gonna try some spinach dip on them tomorrow)
Thanks for all the suggestions! (I'm gonna try some spinach dip on them tomorrow)