B12 levels
Hi all - I had my first set of labs done this week (since surgery). Things are looking much better. My cholesterol is down to 187 where is had been 239 and everything else seems to basically be in range. My Vit. D and B1 reports are still pending.
My concern though, is my B12 level. It is 353. There is a notation on the lab slip indicating that although it is within range (200-1000), it has been reported that in some patients with values between 200-400 can experience neuropsychiatric and hematologic abnormalities.
My appt. with Dr. P isn't until 10-29-09. I take 1000 mcg of sublingual B12 daily. I know that I should probably wait until my visit to see what Dr. P. has to say about this, but I was wondering if it would be beneficial or harmful to begin increasing my dosage.
What do you think?
My concern though, is my B12 level. It is 353. There is a notation on the lab slip indicating that although it is within range (200-1000), it has been reported that in some patients with values between 200-400 can experience neuropsychiatric and hematologic abnormalities.
My appt. with Dr. P isn't until 10-29-09. I take 1000 mcg of sublingual B12 daily. I know that I should probably wait until my visit to see what Dr. P. has to say about this, but I was wondering if it would be beneficial or harmful to begin increasing my dosage.
What do you think?
If you're concerned call Barix and talk to one of the nurses - they can probably tell you if you should increase or wait until you see Dr P. Are you feeling bad? Run down? If not it probably wouldn't hurt to let it go until you see her.
I take 2500 mg sublingual B12 every day and my levels are excellent, even a little higher than average.
Good luck with everything.
I take 2500 mg sublingual B12 every day and my levels are excellent, even a little higher than average.
Good luck with everything.
When my B12 got to 151, I had to begin self injections. So I would say to up it. I take twice the amount of Sub-lingual than you do.
Even with injections it only went up to 199 in 2 months. So I would certainly think it would be appropriate to up it. But of course, the doc will be the final word.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
I had the same concern with my B-12 levels. My surgeon did not seem concerned. BUT, when Shauna saw them and checked me to make sure I was still standing up, I decided I should up my intake. I now take 5000 mcg sublingual daily.
Call Dr. P and see what she says. Like Liz said, though, whatever you don't need will be peed out.
Call Dr. P and see what she says. Like Liz said, though, whatever you don't need will be peed out.
Hi Lisa,
I had been taking 5000mcg sublingual daily, and my levels went very high... so now I've cut it back to 2500mcg daily which seems about right for me. Everyone's body differs, and this is one vitamin that I'd rather see a bit on the higher side (energy and focus). Can't really hurt to up it. It's not like D where you have to worry about toxicity if you get too much.
I had been taking 5000mcg sublingual daily, and my levels went very high... so now I've cut it back to 2500mcg daily which seems about right for me. Everyone's body differs, and this is one vitamin that I'd rather see a bit on the higher side (energy and focus). Can't really hurt to up it. It's not like D where you have to worry about toxicity if you get too much.
I've been on sublingual B12 since 1 week out of surgery. I actually don't even remember why I started them. I had some sort of complaint during one of my follow-up calls from the nurse and she recommended starting B12. I can't imagine what my levels would be if I hadn't been taking it all along.
The other weird thing, is that I have had a lot of trouble getting motivated to exercise more. I'm getting better, but I definitely don't have that wonderful energy level that others talk about. Could this be a factor??? I've been telling myself that I am just lazy, but maybe low B12 is affecting me.
I'll definitely be writing down some questions for Dr. P. I was able to move my appt. up to Tuesday the 20th.
The other weird thing, is that I have had a lot of trouble getting motivated to exercise more. I'm getting better, but I definitely don't have that wonderful energy level that others talk about. Could this be a factor??? I've been telling myself that I am just lazy, but maybe low B12 is affecting me.
I'll definitely be writing down some questions for Dr. P. I was able to move my appt. up to Tuesday the 20th.
Low energy and the lack of motivation to exercise can be a vicious cycle. Exercise increases your energy, but when you are so tired its difficult get motivated to exercise. You have to get to a point where you just MAKE yourself get up and move...even though all you want to do is take a nap :) If your b12 levels are really low, it may be that no matter what you do, your energy won't improve. Dr. P will be able to give you the best guidance with that. Good luck with your appointment on the 20th!