no meds + lots of Drama = lesson learned
Yesterday on my ride home from Salisbury Md,( when I go on weekends to watch my grandchildren on the weekends while my daughter goes to work at nite at hospital) I had just a little to much time to think about the drama coming at me from all directions. (Husbands business is all but none existant, property tax due, my brother is in the hospital for the second time in 2 months with end stage copd he was the black sheep of the family for years, and I email my brothers and sisters to keep them updated on him but hear no response, I too have my issues with him but keep on thinking what would my Mother who is passed want me to do he is still family, my son in law hasn't worked in a year, and my upcoming surgery) Just two much time to think. I get off the Blue Route, and no to the turnpike. I feel this dripping down my throat, and think that it is my sinus draining, but it just keeps coming, and then my nose starts running. It was not sinus, but blood everywhere I could not stop it. Pulled over to the side of the road and call my daughter to try to get some idea of how to get it to stop. Finally had to call 911 and get an ambulance to talk me to the hospital. Had to use the new bibs I just bought for the baby to try and contain the mess. During the conversation I realized that I had not had my meds in 2 days!! This is something I need to correct now and not let all the drama distract me from what I need to do to take care of me. If you have read thru this, Thanks I just needed to Vent.
WOW! Ena *hugs* hope that you are feeling better. OUr meds are so critical as is taking care of ourselves during times of chaos in our lives. I always suggest keeping a set or 2 of pills in your purse "just in case" When i was on all my meds I always did this and it was a good thing - a few times I got caught away from home unexpectedly (weather, emergency or just forgot the pills!) and I was prepared. Another thing I did was keep 2-3 days of pills in my toiletries kit. I never forgot my toothbrush or deoderant! lol
HOpe that you are feeling better and teh family issues start to resolve!
HOpe that you are feeling better and teh family issues start to resolve!
Meds and health first!
There's no way you can begin to handle everyday life and stresses if you are unhealthy!
Take care of yourself, YOU are important!
As for your brother, unless he did something horrendous or unforgivable in some capacity, do what your heart tells you. You don't want any regrets once he is gone.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
wow Ena,
Nothing like hearing someone elses problems to take your mind off of your own. I am so sorry for all the difficulties that you are struggling with right now. My thoughts on your situation with your ill brother is that we all have to answer to our own conscience. I hope you will have peace within you that you supported him despite the personal issues with him. We all need support in our lives and I hope that your kindness come back to you in abundance. Please try to take care of yourself for your own sake as well as your family's. I wish you the best with your upcoming surgery. Please feel free to vent when you need to. If there is some way I could help please ask.
Nothing like hearing someone elses problems to take your mind off of your own. I am so sorry for all the difficulties that you are struggling with right now. My thoughts on your situation with your ill brother is that we all have to answer to our own conscience. I hope you will have peace within you that you supported him despite the personal issues with him. We all need support in our lives and I hope that your kindness come back to you in abundance. Please try to take care of yourself for your own sake as well as your family's. I wish you the best with your upcoming surgery. Please feel free to vent when you need to. If there is some way I could help please ask.
It is so easy to become caught up in everyone else's drama and forget about taking care of yourself, especially when so much is going on, but these meds are obviously something you MUST have and take and even tho others have said it I will as well - please, please take care of yourself first and make sure your body is getting what it needs.
That is going to be so critical when you finally do have your surgery - you have to make sure you get your proteins in, your water down, your pills (vitamins mostly post-op), your exercise, and your rest. This will be one time in your life when you have to be totally selfish no matter how bad that makes you feel because those first few months post-op are so crucial to your overall health and well-being.
We all have stress going on with family and friends, and you can empathize and try to help but please remember to help yourself first, because if you're not healthy there is no way you can help them. That was one thing I kept in mind after my surgery while dealing with my mother's health issues - I'm no good to her if I'm not healthy myself.
That is going to be so critical when you finally do have your surgery - you have to make sure you get your proteins in, your water down, your pills (vitamins mostly post-op), your exercise, and your rest. This will be one time in your life when you have to be totally selfish no matter how bad that makes you feel because those first few months post-op are so crucial to your overall health and well-being.
We all have stress going on with family and friends, and you can empathize and try to help but please remember to help yourself first, because if you're not healthy there is no way you can help them. That was one thing I kept in mind after my surgery while dealing with my mother's health issues - I'm no good to her if I'm not healthy myself.
Sorry to hear that you are going through all of this. Please please please make sure to take care of you. I can tell that you are the go to person in your family, as I am I.. or was I.. there really isn't anyone left for me to take care of. We need to remember to put ourselves into the mix of who needs to be taken care of.
If you need anything at all, please please please call me anytime. 610-504-3867
If you need anything at all, please please please call me anytime. 610-504-3867