OT: my newest pregnancy update...
Basically I went to bed last night feeling fine, but through the night my stomach/ lower abdomen were cramping up something terrible. Intermittent sharp pains mixed with a dull achy throb in my lower back area. The pains are all in my abdomen and I am feeling pressure in my lower abdomen. No excessive discharge or blood or anything like that.
This is accompanied by just an over feeling of being run down and blah and I can't really describe it.
Called the doctor at like 9Am.Got a phone call back from the triage nurse who said, can you be in the office for 1130. So I went in and they did a urine sample as usual, ht, weight, bp all the normal stuff. Put me in a room and had me wait for a doc. Well it wasn't a doc I saw, but a PA. She checked the baby's heartbeat and it was fine, which I figured it would be. Little thing is moving like crazy today. She checked my cervix which was closed, thank god.
She went back through all of my history notes and realized that I had been in once before for cramping. She said that I am having contractions and if they get worse to call back or go to the ER. I have my regularly scheduled appointment tomorrow. She did go ahead and give me my first steroid shot that I would have gotten tomorrow and I will get the second tomorrow. She told me to come home and rest until my appointment tomorrow. Told me from here on out, no heavy lifting at all, no intercourse, no cleaning other than like doing the dishes after dinner. No laundry if I can avoid it. SHEESH.
She said, you are 24 weeks tomorrow all we need you to give us is another 6 weeks and we can do a C-section. So apparently, we might be back to the original plan for me of doing a C-section at 30-32 weeks. Guess we will see how the next couple weeks go with this cramping/contraction stuff.
I have to keep my appointment tomorrow and she said the doc I am seeing tomorrow will consult with Maternal Fetal Medicine and they may wind up putting me on bedrest already. grrrrrrr
This is accompanied by just an over feeling of being run down and blah and I can't really describe it.
Called the doctor at like 9Am.Got a phone call back from the triage nurse who said, can you be in the office for 1130. So I went in and they did a urine sample as usual, ht, weight, bp all the normal stuff. Put me in a room and had me wait for a doc. Well it wasn't a doc I saw, but a PA. She checked the baby's heartbeat and it was fine, which I figured it would be. Little thing is moving like crazy today. She checked my cervix which was closed, thank god.
She went back through all of my history notes and realized that I had been in once before for cramping. She said that I am having contractions and if they get worse to call back or go to the ER. I have my regularly scheduled appointment tomorrow. She did go ahead and give me my first steroid shot that I would have gotten tomorrow and I will get the second tomorrow. She told me to come home and rest until my appointment tomorrow. Told me from here on out, no heavy lifting at all, no intercourse, no cleaning other than like doing the dishes after dinner. No laundry if I can avoid it. SHEESH.
She said, you are 24 weeks tomorrow all we need you to give us is another 6 weeks and we can do a C-section. So apparently, we might be back to the original plan for me of doing a C-section at 30-32 weeks. Guess we will see how the next couple weeks go with this cramping/contraction stuff.
I have to keep my appointment tomorrow and she said the doc I am seeing tomorrow will consult with Maternal Fetal Medicine and they may wind up putting me on bedrest already. grrrrrrr
Thank you for the thoughts and prayers. I will surely update after my appointment tomorrow. It is just so dang hard for me to do nothing. I am having cravings for baked goods and I was on the phone with my mom in the kitchen. I was pulling out the stuff to bake and my mom was like "What are you doing?" So I told her and I got an EARFUL!!!! Sheesh there is no wrath like that of a mother.
She said she will bake and freeze a bunch of stuff for me and bring it down this weekend or next week! :-)
On October 14, 2009 at 4:09 AM Pacific Time, Liz R. wrote:
well now - rest rest rest!! I also hear that dehydration can cause contracting - are you getting in plenty of fluids??Keep on resting so the little Miss keeps on baking!
Keep us posted!
Oh yes! Almost 2 gallons a day! lol
I will update this post after my appointment today...
If bedrest is what the doctor orders then do it! You have your health and that of the baby's to think about and obviously you know that better than anyone - try to look at it as a little vacation from cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc! Once that baby is here and you're healed you'll be right back at it wishing you had some bed rest coming your way!!
Keeping you and baby in my thoughts and prayers for a good pregnancy and feeling better.
Keeping you and baby in my thoughts and prayers for a good pregnancy and feeling better.
Thoughts and prayers to you. I can only imagine how hard it would be to be resting that much - I think I would have the same "problem" doing it as you are.
Seriously...I can mail you baked goods. Do you do SF baked goods or the "real" stuff? I know you said mom is bringing you stuff - but if you need any in the meantime...I normally don't need an excuse to be in the kitchen!
Thoughts and prayers to you. I can only imagine how hard it would be to be resting that much - I think I would have the same "problem" doing it as you are.
Seriously...I can mail you baked goods. Do you do SF baked goods or the "real" stuff? I know you said mom is bringing you stuff - but if you need any in the meantime...I normally don't need an excuse to be in the kitchen!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.