breast cancer diagnosis
I still haven't heard if the insurance approved the test, but I did have the bloodwork drawn and sent. If I test positive I will have my ovaries out and the uterus too if I can get it paid for. I can't understand the wisdom of leaving part of the plumbing in you know? I'm reading Dr. susan Love's Breast Book which has an overwhelming but easily readable amount of info on breast CA. I would highly recommend this to anyone to better inform their decision making process. My mammogram and ultrasound both had come back negative, and 1 week later is when I was able to palpate this small nodule that felt like a bebe, small, round and hard, 1 week later a second nodule was palpable, both in different areas of my areola. So I can't stress enough how important it is to exam yourself often so you'll notice changes when they are very small. I wish you the best and thank you for yopur support.