breast cancer diagnosis
Hello to all,
Yesterday I got the news that I have stage 1 ductal breast cancer. I caught this very early. I check my breasts at least weekly and highly recomend that everyone do the same so that you'll know if anything feels different. Then for gods sake please see your doctor! Yesterday I was tearful at times, I still feel like I'm in a bit of a fog. I face a barage of preoperative tests this week, then back to the breast surgeon on Monday for the next meeting to plan the surgery.
I'm proud to report that I haven't binged on any foods, ok a small amount of choc. but within controlled amounts. I plan to walk my dogs along a park trail this afternoon and enjoy the day. I thank everyone ahead of time as I know that I will get a ton of support from everyone and knowing this has already helped me in my efforts to stay calm and balanced during this stressful time.
Yesterday I got the news that I have stage 1 ductal breast cancer. I caught this very early. I check my breasts at least weekly and highly recomend that everyone do the same so that you'll know if anything feels different. Then for gods sake please see your doctor! Yesterday I was tearful at times, I still feel like I'm in a bit of a fog. I face a barage of preoperative tests this week, then back to the breast surgeon on Monday for the next meeting to plan the surgery.
I'm proud to report that I haven't binged on any foods, ok a small amount of choc. but within controlled amounts. I plan to walk my dogs along a park trail this afternoon and enjoy the day. I thank everyone ahead of time as I know that I will get a ton of support from everyone and knowing this has already helped me in my efforts to stay calm and balanced during this stressful time.
Oh my, I am so sorry to hear that diagnosis. I am a mammographer ( official boob squasher), I know this is very scary diagnosis, however, you should be so proud of yourself you saved your life!! I know there is going to be a large number of doctors appointments coming your way in the near future, just keep in mind you are never alone!! You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Much Love!!
t hank you for your kind thoughts. The bizzare thing is that the mammogram and ultrasound I had in the middle of Sept secondary to an increased density I had noted both came back negative. The following week I palpated a nodule, saw the surgeon 2 weeks ago, had a second nodule show up a few days prior to to the tissue biopsy of nodule #1. So I certainly couldn't have acted any faster on this than I did. It just reinforces in my mind how important is is to keep examing yourself regularly.
Hi Chris - I honestly don't know what to say or how to comfort you right now other than to offer my heartfelt prayers and support to your throughout this - I'm sure there will be more tears and a lot of stress, but thank goodness you caught it early and your prognosis sounds good.
Take care - many hugs and prayers coming your way....Kathy
Take care - many hugs and prayers coming your way....Kathy