OK folks, I was in the process hoping to have a RNY procedure done. I have met with my primary and she is sooo up for me doing this procedure. I have not met with any surgeons yet, but I have called. They told me to have a sleep test done - well the sleep test was done October 1..just got the phone call that I don't have sleep apena. I am 5 '4 and weigh 215-218. My BMI is 36.9. I was told they will not do surgery unless I am over 40. If I am between 36-40 I need to co-morbities. I am in pain every day due to my 8 back surgeries do due a bad car accident,. I really can't do any excercise - My back is due toto my weight, and my weight is due to my back. I am getting so depressed. Any suggestions? I am so frustrated and don't know what else to do.
Hi, I too have no co-morbidity issues at this time, my sleep study was negative also, I do have PCOS, do you? I have joint and back pain from the excess weight, and have been over weight for 10 plus years, I do have a higher BMI, then you, but not by much. I would push back, write letters talk to all your "treating" physicians. Try to explain that the cost of being overweight in the long run will cause these co-morbidity issues making your health decline causing more money to deal with them if you had the surgery and could make the steps in your life to be all around healthy. I wish you luck, I am fighting my own insurance battle, right along with you.
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater - From an Insurance website.
Good Luck!!
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater - From an Insurance website.
Good Luck!!
(deactivated member)
on 10/12/09 11:04 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
on 10/12/09 11:04 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
The issue you may have with the band is the same requirements of RNY. Insurance carriers suck and they are the ones who make these co-morbities and leave no room for anything else. Again, it will come down to your insurance carrier, but mine you needed a BMI 40 or greater or <40 with the typical Co-morbities (BP, Sugar, etc.).