Saturday Role Call
I have a busy weekend so though I would post quickly.
Saturday has me moving. So that means no internet until my butt gets it all hooked back up at the new house. LOL
I hope everyone enjoys thier weekend. Next time I post, I will be typing from a new home. YAY! (with a few weeks of various things to move) LOL
Enjoy your weekend all.............
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
I am getting ready to run to the grocery store. I got up when Chris left for work with horrible leg cramps... ah the joys! lol SO I figured since I am up I'll get the store out of the way before it gets crowded. Then home to make lasagna and eggplant roll ups for dinner tonight (we are having some of my Aunts, my Mom and my Grandmother over for dinner) Just the girls! Oh well and Chris when he gets home from work lol.
THat's it for me today - happy saturday all!
Good luck moving!
We have a bday party to go to today for my cousins 5 year old. Normally I'm all about hanging w/ the family, especially since I don't see these cousins often...but their parenting skills are, shall we say, much more relaxed than what our family is used to? I'm sure this will be quite a fiasco - it is every year.
In the meantime, we have to stay in touch with Brian's parents...the jeep wasn't done yesterday (surprise surprise) and *should* be done today. So at some point, we will have an "escape route" out of the birthday party in order to do the jeep thing. Of course, that's out of the frying pan and into the fire if you ask me, LOL
I think that's about it. Oh - I should probably run and get the kid his bday gift and card prior to the party, huh?

Jodi - good luck with the move - must be a crazy time with four kids! Hopefully the older two will be big helpers! :)
Liz - while you are at the market - could you pick me up a few things?!?! :)
So - we totally blew off the synagogue last nght - it was WAY to easy to convince Larry to stay home...."um....OK" :) So today we are going to try to et most of Emily's things into her new room and start to organize the rest of the crap tht is in Molly's room. With any luck we will NOT kill each other by dinner time. I also have a TON of grading to do and i MUST get to the market today. (Unless Liz REALLY wants to do it for me, then schlepp all the way to Northeast Philadelphia to drop it off, and hey...while she's at it she can put it all away too! ) We have no other plans...Larry has a block party from one of the guys at work, so he may take a few of the kids and go without me - not much up for socializng with people I don't really know and a TON of food and I am sure, alcohol. Maybe that is when I will get some grading done. Oh - and did I mention I need to do the bills also, and also get a christening gift and do lesson plans for my Sunday school class tomorrow? Oh man, why do I even sleep, there is soooo much more that needs to get done! :) Fortunately I have Monday off without any significant plans!
I hope you all have a lovely and calm Saturday - or if not calm, at least enjoyable!
Today is the Sabbath, but is also Shemini Atzeret. Taken from Judaism 101 on :
"Shemini Atzeret literally means "the assembly of the eighth (day)." Rabbinic literature explains the holiday this way: our Creator is like a host, who invites us as visitors for a limited time, but when the time comes for us to leave, He has enjoyed himself so much that He asks us to stay another day. Another related explanation: Sukkot is a holiday intended for all of mankind, but when Sukkot is over, the Creator invites the Jewish people to stay for an extra day, for a more intimate celebration."
So, that really doesn't mean anything to me either. All I know is that I need to go to synagogue this morning. There is also a memorial service during today's "regular" Sabbath service.
This afternoon, I will help Siehara put together her storage blocks for her stuffed animals and toys so she can start to get organized in her room. Once we put them together, I will probably lay down while she does the organizing..LOL
Tonight, we have the family Simchat Torah service.
"Simchat Torah means "Rejoicing in the Torah." This holiday marks the completion of the annual cycle of weekly Torah readings. Each week in synagogue we publicly read a few chapters from the Torah, starting with Genesis Ch. 1 and working our way around to Deuteronomy 34. On Simchat Torah, we read the last Torah portion, then proceed immediately to the first chapter of Genesis, reminding us that the Torah is a circle, and never ends.
This completion of the readings is a time of great celebration. There are processions around the synagogue carrying Torah scrolls and plenty of high-spirited singing and dancing in the synagogue with the Torahs. Drinking is also common during this time; in fact, a traditional source recommends performing the priestly blessing earlier than usual in the service, to make sure the kohanim are not drunk when the time comes! As many people as possible are given the honor of an aliyah (reciting a blessing over the Torah reading); in fact, even children are called for an aliyah blessing on Simchat Torah. In addition, as many people as possible are given the honor of carrying a Torah scroll in these processions. Children do not carry the scrolls (they are much too heavy!), but often follow the procession around the synagogue, sometimes carrying small toy Torahs (stuffed plush toys or paper scrolls)."
We have lots of fun dancing and singing tonight and then back to the service with the same singing and dancing tomorrow.
SOOOOO, now that you all have had a Jewish education, I will go so I can finish getting dressed for services.
Have a great day! Jodi.. have fun moving.. Liz, I could use a few things at the store,too. LOL! Pam, enjoy your party and time with your inlaws... tee hee.. sorry.