portable breakfast ideas needed
I use an ice-bag to take stuff to work, and have access to a fridge, microwave and teensy old toaster oven. Ideally, I need something that I can pack the night before and just pop into the bag in the morning.
Please share your ideas for high-protein, low fat, low carb and PORTABLE breakfasts!
Hope that this helps!
Hard boiled eggs just don't go down well for me - the one food that feels like it gets "stuck."
Can you give me an address for eggface's blog? I keep hearing about it but haven't found it yet. Sounds like a good resource.
The "bites" sound intriguing, especially if they can be made with eggbeaters to decrease the fat. Also sounds tasty! (i love quiche!).
You may also be interested in Muscle Milk 'n Oats Instant Oatmeal, although, you need to add water and nuke it. But it has 30 grams of protein in a full serving. I use half of one for a serving and 1/8's to make pancakes. It is available at neitrition.com and vitamin shops. Portable breakfast for me would be 1/4 of a D&W Smoked Turkey Filet with a Frigo Light Cheese Stick or Mini Laughing Cow Cheese Round. A slice of Crustless Quiche. A greek yogurt with Jello S/F Pudding Mix ****ep a box of pudding mix in my desk drawer along with a 4 teaspoon measure.) Pureed Canned Salmon with f/f cream cheese and a little dill. Sometimes I made a spinach omelet the night before half cooked and fini**** off in the microwave at work for a few seconds. Or you could just spend up to 10 dollars on an immersion stick blender and keep it at work so you can have your shake. I picked one up at Redners for $7.99.