Baby pics... total cuteness...
For those of you that don't have me as a friend on facebook... here are some pics of Annabelle now...
Oh yeah yesterday's weigh in went well... she is now 7 plounds 6oz... oh yeah... for those that want to breastfeed after having WLS... you can't go low carb at all... I went back to normal eating her first 2 weeks and she didn't gain well at all... I went back to eating like I did when I was pregnant and she gained like she should of... the peds doc also told me can't do low carb when breastfeeding as well (she knew I had gastric bypass)... so just wanted to let you know that for those wanting to get pregnant after surgery... also figured out last night her gassy/fussy problem... it is all my fault lol... my boobs so didn't work with Lorelei... and well now they are working too well with Annabelle... I'm making so much boob juice that she slurps it down (we call her piggy right now because of that lol) and because there is so much and it is coming out so fast... she is sucking in a ton of air... here is an article on it-
but now for pictures...
I had a bit of the same issue (too much milk) with Becky (also my second) and the lactation consultant advised me to pump a little bit before breastfeeding. It seemed to help her, I guess because she then had to work a little harder at it. It also helped me "stock up" on those little frozen baggies of milk for when Eddie would feed her. Of course, that was (gasp) almost 18 years ago, so possibly theories on the issue have changed. Kids today. haha!