****Thrilling Thursday roll call!!
Congrats on posting roll call and for the kudo's from the ex-BF. Enjoy the warmth!
Today has me back at work all day, then running up to just outside Hellertown to pick up display frames immediately after work. Went to the gym this morning and had a nice circuit workout, but seem to be perptually running about 15 minutes late today ... late to gym, late to work, late to meeting... sigh. I hate being late.
Enjoy your day, folks!
Congrats on posting roll call and for the kudo's from the ex-BF. Enjoy the warmth!
Today has me back at work all day, then running up to just outside Hellertown to pick up display frames immediately after work. Went to the gym this morning and had a nice circuit workout, but seem to be perptually running about 15 minutes late today ... late to gym, late to work, late to meeting... sigh. I hate being late.
Enjoy your day, folks!
I have been up for hours and just got on here. Good afternoon PA & everybody. It was a little chilly out here today so I pulled some of my sweaters out and picked a yellow cable one to wear. I am going to grit my teeth and go with the flannel lined jeans from LL Bean for $49.95 + shipping. I hear so many satisfied people that have them , thanks Pam as I plan on doing alot of riding on Cassidy this winter and would like to stay warm instead of hibernating like I did last winter. Cassidy gets a winter coat from Mother Nature and I get flannel from LL Beans so I am going to bite the bullet and pay the price. I'm worth it. I have physical theraphy today and am taking Heather shoe shopping (someone shoot me now) for shoes for the homecoming dance. She said she was going to wear her sneakers with her new pretty black dress and I told her over my dead body! Can you imagine?! So I am sure it will be the shopping trip from hell. Sounds like someone had a positive FB re-connection well thats good. Now I am fighting with the car ins. co. as to who is going to pay for my 3rd shoulder surgery in 9 months my car ins. is saying its pre-exist and my ortho is saying yes but the car accident aggraveted it and around and around we go so now I have to have my lawyer deal with this. Would like to resolve this before getting called back to work In Trenton, NJ. Everybody have a great day.