I NEED you!!!!
Hi all - so - I know that this is totally normal, and most of you have posted about it, however, I just need some reinforcement.....So, at my six month I posted that I was down 97.25 pounds! YAY ME! However, I weighed myself the day after the Yom Kippur holiday in which I was able to fast and had very little to eat that evening becuase my pouch was not real pleased, I think...anyway - I get on the scale two times a week, usually Monday and Thursday. So that Thursday I got on the scale and it was up about .75 pounds. I totally DID NOT panic, I knew it was no big deal, I was wearing my sneakers and the Tuesday before I was wearing lighter shoes. I then got back on the scale on Monday morning this week and was still up that same .75 pounds. I thought to myself, don't freak out, just be careful what you are doing. So I did - I did tell my husband that the scale hadn't moved and he was very supportive and wonderful about dealing with me.
I got dressed this morning and looked in the mirror and said in my head, "This is amazing, I still can't beleive that I can look like this." I have on a pair of size 14 slacks with a very cute size Large top and understand that it takes time to get used to our new bodies. So I went to work with a very strange feeling about what I might look like to others and got on the scale and it still did NOT move.
I know how lucky I have been that in the entire 6 months of this process I have not hit a stall and that again, this is VERY normal, but I don't like it! I am aware of what I look like and am VERY proud of my accomplishments, however, I just need some TLC from people who understand these feelings. My hubby is wonderful as are my children, step-dad and friends, however, the majority of them have never had such a weight issue and certainly NOT a food or sugar addiction. And, now that I think about it - that might be why I am starting to worry - The other day as my snack, I had carrots and hummus. I ate far too many and my belly hurt. I was upset with myself becuase I did not stop when I knew I should have - my stupid head said, oh - you only have two carrots left and some hummus, you should just fini**** So I did = and then I was sorry = then last night I was allowing myself a few sugar free cookies as a treat and instead of just taking three as I usually do, I brought the whole container over and munched on the crumbs. Again, belly started to hurt.
I guess that is the reason I am most upset, maybe not the scale per say, but the old habits that I am allowing myself to fall into. Although carrots, hummus and sugar free cookies are WAY better than the cheese steak, pizza and fried mozzerella I would have usually eaten, I have come so far and do NOT EVER want to go back to the way I was.
I really want to thank you guys for being able to understand this! It means so much to me that I have this outlet to pour my heart out to those who get it - I know that I have said it over and over, but it is still amazing that there are people out there who have REALLY been there!
Thanks again! :)
I got dressed this morning and looked in the mirror and said in my head, "This is amazing, I still can't beleive that I can look like this." I have on a pair of size 14 slacks with a very cute size Large top and understand that it takes time to get used to our new bodies. So I went to work with a very strange feeling about what I might look like to others and got on the scale and it still did NOT move.
I know how lucky I have been that in the entire 6 months of this process I have not hit a stall and that again, this is VERY normal, but I don't like it! I am aware of what I look like and am VERY proud of my accomplishments, however, I just need some TLC from people who understand these feelings. My hubby is wonderful as are my children, step-dad and friends, however, the majority of them have never had such a weight issue and certainly NOT a food or sugar addiction. And, now that I think about it - that might be why I am starting to worry - The other day as my snack, I had carrots and hummus. I ate far too many and my belly hurt. I was upset with myself becuase I did not stop when I knew I should have - my stupid head said, oh - you only have two carrots left and some hummus, you should just fini**** So I did = and then I was sorry = then last night I was allowing myself a few sugar free cookies as a treat and instead of just taking three as I usually do, I brought the whole container over and munched on the crumbs. Again, belly started to hurt.
I guess that is the reason I am most upset, maybe not the scale per say, but the old habits that I am allowing myself to fall into. Although carrots, hummus and sugar free cookies are WAY better than the cheese steak, pizza and fried mozzerella I would have usually eaten, I have come so far and do NOT EVER want to go back to the way I was.
I really want to thank you guys for being able to understand this! It means so much to me that I have this outlet to pour my heart out to those who get it - I know that I have said it over and over, but it is still amazing that there are people out there who have REALLY been there!
Thanks again! :)
Don't worry too much about the stall - you're right - we all hit them - we all get frustrated with them - and we all get past them - that's the important part.
Its good you're recognizing the possibility of old habits creeping in - I've noticed it in myself lately, too, and am really working hard to reverse it. I wish I could tell you its easy but it has not been for me - its just so easy to dive into old habits when stress (or boredom) set in. But you know what? I know we'll kick this little glitch - I know we're going to be fine because we NEVER, EVER want to go back to being that 'other' person we used to be. So big hugs - a few little prayers and good wishes coming your way to help you over this speed bump.
As for getting used to your new body just try to enjoy it! I know that's easier said than done for some people and I'm probably not the person to give advice in this area because I haven't had any of those types of issues - I get a little upset when I see all my loose skin, but then I think of how it looked when it was stretched to the point where it looked like I would burst like a balloon if someone poked me with a needle, and I realize that some loose skin is the least of my worries now.
Like they say - they can operate on our stomachs but not our heads - we have to do that therapy on our own, and it can be done - patience, guidance, understanding, and support...you'll get there.
Its good you're recognizing the possibility of old habits creeping in - I've noticed it in myself lately, too, and am really working hard to reverse it. I wish I could tell you its easy but it has not been for me - its just so easy to dive into old habits when stress (or boredom) set in. But you know what? I know we'll kick this little glitch - I know we're going to be fine because we NEVER, EVER want to go back to being that 'other' person we used to be. So big hugs - a few little prayers and good wishes coming your way to help you over this speed bump.
As for getting used to your new body just try to enjoy it! I know that's easier said than done for some people and I'm probably not the person to give advice in this area because I haven't had any of those types of issues - I get a little upset when I see all my loose skin, but then I think of how it looked when it was stretched to the point where it looked like I would burst like a balloon if someone poked me with a needle, and I realize that some loose skin is the least of my worries now.
Like they say - they can operate on our stomachs but not our heads - we have to do that therapy on our own, and it can be done - patience, guidance, understanding, and support...you'll get there.
Just for the hell of it, go online to a menu input screen such as daily plate or calorie king, or fitday and enter what your portions and foods are. You may be supprised at your calories or carbs or both. Never under estimate the ability to overlook the obvious. If your carbs are higher than they should be or your calories are high for your activity ... then you have found the culprit. I have said this god knows how many times. When I was between 3-4 months out, the scale stopped moving for 4 months. I thought I was doing everything right. For the most part I was, however, some people at a support meeting suggested that my carbs were too high and the wrong kind of carbs. I was eating rice cakes and peanut butter, lean cuisines, fruit, etc. It was suggested that I avoid fruit, eat only green leafy veggies, give up man made carbs and incorporate dairy into my menu. I did this immediately and the scale after being frozen for 4 months dropped 50# in a one - two day period. My body was in a holding pattern and a rut. Change up everything your doing, monitor the types of carbs your getting and keep check on your portion sizes. When your metabolism sees the same thing coming everyday it figures out that it can just sit there. When a variety of things come at it, it causes a disruption in the process and makes it rework its gameplan. So keep 'm guessing.
OMG!! It is so cool that you posted this. I am just over six months out too and have been going through the SAME thing almost to the letter. I am starting to do the same things, oh I only have two bites left I should finish that and then being miserable for a couple hours, and snacking when I shouldn't, I too have been saying well you need to get a grip on this before it spirals out of control but at least you are snacking on SF FF stuff instead of half of the BIG bag of M & M's and a bag of chips. And thinking that I am hungry so I find myself standing in front of the frig just looking. And I am noticing that the scale is not moving. I just keep telling myself that they do not operate on our heads so all this is stuff I need to deal with mentally. It is a journey and I really think that just being aware of what is going on and knowing that we need to change habits and wanting to get control and being so focused shows how much we are changing. We are human and this is going to be a lifelong change so we will keep on keeping on. We will do it. Hang in there.
Ah, Steffi... first off, big HUGS to you, girl.
OK - so you're at a stall, but that's not a biggie - you're down a freakin 97 pounds!!! Sheesh! That's awesome! The stall will resolve itself... between water weight, what's in your colon at any given point, and the mood of the universe, the scale WILL fluctuate and that's OK. You could actually even be seeing muscle transition, where you've built more muscle than you've lost in fat on a given week, and muscle is denser (and therefore heavier) than fat. Don't let it get in your head.
More worrisome is the "old habits" - I know that's something I really struggle with on a daily basis. The days I've found myself eating for the wrong reasons (boredom, stress, just bein emotional), I now find that I "feel fat" afterward... and I've started realizing that what I'm feeling is not "fat" but "unworthiness" or "self-loathing" for my lack of self-discipline. None of those are productive feelings or positive feelings, but at least I'm starting to understand what they are (and that they have been with me for a very long time). I've "caught myself" quite a few times unconsciously starting to put something into my mouth... without THINKING or PLANNING to eat.
I guess the only thing I can share is that what works for me is to portion "dangerous" things out and then put the rest away in a fairly inaccessible/inconvenient place BEFORE starting to eat... and to do the portioning well in advance of when I plan to eat the thing. And to journal the things I eat BEFORE I eat them, looking at my totals for the day, so I can say woops... I can only afford one of those SF cookies even though the "serving size" is 3.
As someone (Dennis??) said, this is a marathon, not a sprint. Along the way there will be times when we're stronger than others, and times when we need that kick of encouragement to keep going and stay on pace. Just think about how great you're doing to even recognize the old behavior creeping in! Congratulate yourself for what you've accomplished, and for the new awareness you have of the old behaviors - that's a huge step forward in being able to conquer them!
Hugs again...
OK - so you're at a stall, but that's not a biggie - you're down a freakin 97 pounds!!! Sheesh! That's awesome! The stall will resolve itself... between water weight, what's in your colon at any given point, and the mood of the universe, the scale WILL fluctuate and that's OK. You could actually even be seeing muscle transition, where you've built more muscle than you've lost in fat on a given week, and muscle is denser (and therefore heavier) than fat. Don't let it get in your head.
More worrisome is the "old habits" - I know that's something I really struggle with on a daily basis. The days I've found myself eating for the wrong reasons (boredom, stress, just bein emotional), I now find that I "feel fat" afterward... and I've started realizing that what I'm feeling is not "fat" but "unworthiness" or "self-loathing" for my lack of self-discipline. None of those are productive feelings or positive feelings, but at least I'm starting to understand what they are (and that they have been with me for a very long time). I've "caught myself" quite a few times unconsciously starting to put something into my mouth... without THINKING or PLANNING to eat.
I guess the only thing I can share is that what works for me is to portion "dangerous" things out and then put the rest away in a fairly inaccessible/inconvenient place BEFORE starting to eat... and to do the portioning well in advance of when I plan to eat the thing. And to journal the things I eat BEFORE I eat them, looking at my totals for the day, so I can say woops... I can only afford one of those SF cookies even though the "serving size" is 3.
As someone (Dennis??) said, this is a marathon, not a sprint. Along the way there will be times when we're stronger than others, and times when we need that kick of encouragement to keep going and stay on pace. Just think about how great you're doing to even recognize the old behavior creeping in! Congratulate yourself for what you've accomplished, and for the new awareness you have of the old behaviors - that's a huge step forward in being able to conquer them!
Hugs again...
I agree with Nan. Log your food into dailyplate or fitday and see how you are really measuring up. I'm still new, so bad habits haven't really kicked in for me yet, but dailyplate really helps me stay on track. Not only am I tracking calories, but I'm tracking, protein, carbs and even sodium intake. The sodium is a big one for me since I can retain some water. I read online that an adult should have no more than 2400 mg per day. I make sure that I am under that every day.
I'm also thinking that it might be a good idea to ditch the sugar free cookies. Too easy to over indulge. On the RNY board, someone posted a recipe for protein brownies, which look awesome and seem better for us WLS-ers as a treat. Here's the link:
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/rny/4026173/Protein-browni e-meringue-things-pic-and-recipe-and-stats/
Hang in there. You are doing awesome and you are such an inspiration !
I'm also thinking that it might be a good idea to ditch the sugar free cookies. Too easy to over indulge. On the RNY board, someone posted a recipe for protein brownies, which look awesome and seem better for us WLS-ers as a treat. Here's the link:
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/rny/4026173/Protein-browni e-meringue-things-pic-and-recipe-and-stats/
Hang in there. You are doing awesome and you are such an inspiration !
Talk about great timing! I just got this article from SparkPeople (www.sparkpeople.com) emailed to me...
"Fall seven times, get up eight." - Japanese Proverb
"Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish." - John Quincy Adams
"The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials." - Chinese Proverb
"Never give in. Never. Never. Never. Never." - Winston Churchill
"Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance." - Samuel Johnson
"Two steps forward, one step back" is usually a negative term to describe someone who is having trouble making progress. But switched around, "1 Step Back, 2 Steps Forward" means that instead of grousing or feeling guilty about a misstep, you can still come out ahead if you put your head down and push forward.
Lots more of the article at:
Just seemed really relevant!
And one other thing I meant to say before - I know that the refined white flour is a trigger food for my food addictions, so I try to minimize my exposure to it. Something about the SF cookies (the combo of the flour and the sweetness, even though SF) seems to be really tough for me to "turn off" and then set me up for cravings. I have to be extra careful of them, and have very, very few of them (and rarely). Just thought I'd note that in case it might be similar for you...
Talk about great timing! I just got this article from SparkPeople (www.sparkpeople.com) emailed to me...
"Fall seven times, get up eight." - Japanese Proverb
"Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish." - John Quincy Adams
"The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials." - Chinese Proverb
"Never give in. Never. Never. Never. Never." - Winston Churchill
"Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance." - Samuel Johnson
"Two steps forward, one step back" is usually a negative term to describe someone who is having trouble making progress. But switched around, "1 Step Back, 2 Steps Forward" means that instead of grousing or feeling guilty about a misstep, you can still come out ahead if you put your head down and push forward.
Lots more of the article at:
Just seemed really relevant!
And one other thing I meant to say before - I know that the refined white flour is a trigger food for my food addictions, so I try to minimize my exposure to it. Something about the SF cookies (the combo of the flour and the sweetness, even though SF) seems to be really tough for me to "turn off" and then set me up for cravings. I have to be extra careful of them, and have very, very few of them (and rarely). Just thought I'd note that in case it might be similar for you...
Hi Steffi! Congrats on the weight loss- incredible! I went through a stall in August and it was really annoying! Please just hang in there and keep practicing your good habits. This will pass. Remember that you are going through a long process and if your anything like me, you may get impatient at times!! Sometimes I feel like my weight loss is so slow, but then I realize- wait- I've lost almost 80 lbs in less than 5 months!! Crazy!
Hugs to you and know that we are all there with you :)
Hugs to you and know that we are all there with you :)
Okay miss 97.25 lbs.. you are freakin' rockin the tool.
I was stalled for about 5 weeks until just the other day. So, I was right about where you are now. You really need to stop following in my footsteps.. LOL!
Even now, the weight loss is much slower. I am finding the same problems with the eating just to eat kind of thing. This is really a problem at night. I am pretty good during the day at just eating meals and scheduled snacks. Nighttime has been an issue. I think I need to get off the computer and get my arse in bed so I am not thinking about eating. Plus, these late night phone calls are throwing me off schedule and I find myself wandering into the kitchen while on the phone. I am trying to just grab a bottle of water when I stare at the fridge, but that doesn't always happen.
We just need to be more conscious of what we are eating, when, and why.. and yes I realize that is so much easier said than done.
WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!
I was stalled for about 5 weeks until just the other day. So, I was right about where you are now. You really need to stop following in my footsteps.. LOL!
Even now, the weight loss is much slower. I am finding the same problems with the eating just to eat kind of thing. This is really a problem at night. I am pretty good during the day at just eating meals and scheduled snacks. Nighttime has been an issue. I think I need to get off the computer and get my arse in bed so I am not thinking about eating. Plus, these late night phone calls are throwing me off schedule and I find myself wandering into the kitchen while on the phone. I am trying to just grab a bottle of water when I stare at the fridge, but that doesn't always happen.
We just need to be more conscious of what we are eating, when, and why.. and yes I realize that is so much easier said than done.
WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!
Hi Steffi,
PM me!! I have been having the same issues!! I am way down in the dumps, my weight loss has been stopped for over two months, nothing! I have taken Nan's advice and started journally everything. Hopefully I can jump start something here in the next week or so. I have been thinking about you and miss you, haven't seen you in forever.
Send me a PM, I would love to chat!!
PM me!! I have been having the same issues!! I am way down in the dumps, my weight loss has been stopped for over two months, nothing! I have taken Nan's advice and started journally everything. Hopefully I can jump start something here in the next week or so. I have been thinking about you and miss you, haven't seen you in forever.
Send me a PM, I would love to chat!!