I think it's safe to say we are ALL worried about her and hoping everything is ok.
Love you, Laura!

Now that Beth emailed the "other Laura" (sheesh...I feel like by saying it that way I'm referring to an ex or something, LOL) - let's make this post all about YOU (hell, it's your name too!) What's new? How's things? Progressing ok? Feeling ok? Friends wanna know!!!!
[email protected] is my email addy. Feel free to use it if you don't want to post your whole world here, and if you feel like sharing :)
Miss seeing you here!

LOL It's funny because I have a friend named Laura. We are both on the same country music website/message board so to not get us confused when I signed up I chose the name The Other Laura! :-)
Everything is going well. Morning sickness is pretty much non-existant and has been for almost 2 months! YAY! I still have weekly appointments with the doctors. Maternal Fetal Medicine one week for a Transvaginal Ultrasound. The following week I meet with the Ob GYNs at Geisinger Wyoming Valley s o they can measure my cervix. To this point, no changes and and my cervix doesn't seem to be opening it all!Its great because this means every week I get to either see or hear my baby!
At my appointment next week they are going to pump me full of steroids to boost the baby's lung growth. They are still up in the air as to whether or not they are going to let me carry to term or if they are going to do an early C-Section. That's why they are giving me the steroids, just to be on the side of cautious.
I met with a nutritionist at WIC yesterday and he showed me my weight chart. He says to me well you are supposed to be in this X here, as you can se e you are about 10 pounds below that. I looked at him and said wait stop right there.... I had gastric bypass two years ago....he said ohhhh well that changes everything! I just kind of laughed. He said I was the first person he was dealing with like that. So basically the nutritional counseling just went to him asking me of I felt I was eating enough and correctly for being post surgery and having to sustain another life. Crazy!
I dropped about 12 pounds originally but over the past month have gained about 4 pounds of that back, so I am still down about 8 pounds from where I started. MY belly is finally starting to pop though! I am actually starting to look pregnant and it only took 23 weeks.
I am off work this week so I am planning on getting into the nursery and getting as much accomplished as possible. It seems like the time is just flying by and Alastrina will be here before I know it. Especially with the holidays coming up, it will fast forward time even more!
Just getting more and more excited by the day! :-)