10/01/09 Support Group Meeting
I wish I had attended that meeting. It sounds great. I am going to try to make the Reading meeting next week. It seems like the Lancaster WLS group has a lot more support after surgery then the Reading but, I am just learning about both so it could be that there are just more people on the board from the Lancaster group.
I am talking about support group and follow with the doctors/Nuts and everything.
I know it would really help me to be in a wls center the has really good follow up and support. If anyone has been through Reading WLS center I would love to hear from you.
Just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in before the weekend officially gets started. Last night's support group was the most active and motivational I've been to yet. I want to thank everyone that had the courage to share their success with the rest of the group. I think part of the reason last night was so great was because of the feedback we've all been willing to give the team at the Health Campus. I couldn't believe the change that some people had experienced in under a year - it was truly amazing!
A special thank you to Dave, Holly and Liz for staying after and talking as a group. It's so helpful to put faces to the text that supports us all on a daily basis on these boards.
For anyone else that would like to meet up before or after future meetings, maybe we could coordinate through posting on the boards before the meeting. I unfortunately will be missing my first support group meeting in 5 months next month! Booo!!! I'll be at a conference for work trying to stay focused and not let the stress of the event affect my success. But starting in December, I'd be willing to be the "poster" to encourage people to attend.
For those of you that are wondering, they did say they are 1 surgeon away from becoming a center of excellence (some insurance plans require that) and that in January they plan to start the following: Cooking classes in some format in the new kitchen, before and after pictures of patients posted in the hallway towards the workout area and possibly a buddy/mentor system. I have a feeling more things will be changing and improving as the group continues to get active - but our voices have the most impact - so make sure to share your feedback to any of the staff!
347 341 328 170
1st Goal Wt: 225 (met 9/13/10) / 2nd Goal Wt: 200 (met 12/13/10) / 3rd Goal Wt: 190 (met 1/30/2011) / 4th Goal Wt: 180 (met 4/25/11) / After baby: 170 and holding for 8 months!
Total Weight Lost: 177!
Trust the process....

Thanks Liz! It was great meeting you, Dave, and Melissa as well. It's nice to be able to connect with other people who are going through this process. It's hard for others to comprehend just exactly what's going on. I look forward to getting to know all of you better and helping each other along the way.
I've been attending support group meetings since June and I agree, this past meeting was the best!!!! It was a nice surprise when Dr. Brader showed up.