Who is excercising today?
I did a half an hour on my Elliptical and I have a pain in my back that just started and I am walking for the American Diabetes Foundation tomorrow so don't want to be laid up for that. I will be watching what I put in my mouth though for the rest of the day though. SO what is everyone else doing to move today?
Good job everybody! It's starting to get to my favorite running time of the year - fall. The cool breeze in your face is just so refreshing. It sure as heck beats the 90-plus degree days of summer. I started training over a month ago to hopefully run the Baltimore half marathon, but I realized that between the entry fee, hotel for the weekend and spending money, it just wasn't doable at this time.
But I haven't allowed that to slow down my training. I'm looking into a couple of half marathons come next spring, plus the Broad Street 10 miler will be here before I know it. I missed it this year, that won't happen again. As for my excercise today, I put in my usual 10 mile run that I now do three days a week. I used to run every day 5-7 miles, now I run 10 miles three times a week and lift weights on my off days. It's working well right now as I'm in the best shape of my life. I still wish I could get my food under control. I realize why I'm struggling with it. I live with my sister and they're not exactly the healthiest eaters in the world. The support cast I had previously out of surgery and up until late last year kept me on the straight and narrow. I really have to start taking some accountability with my food choices, that's for sure. Have a great day everybody!!!
But I haven't allowed that to slow down my training. I'm looking into a couple of half marathons come next spring, plus the Broad Street 10 miler will be here before I know it. I missed it this year, that won't happen again. As for my excercise today, I put in my usual 10 mile run that I now do three days a week. I used to run every day 5-7 miles, now I run 10 miles three times a week and lift weights on my off days. It's working well right now as I'm in the best shape of my life. I still wish I could get my food under control. I realize why I'm struggling with it. I live with my sister and they're not exactly the healthiest eaters in the world. The support cast I had previously out of surgery and up until late last year kept me on the straight and narrow. I really have to start taking some accountability with my food choices, that's for sure. Have a great day everybody!!!
"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!
You can do what you please, if that's what you find necessary. I do know that I've never done a thing to you personally. In fact, I can probably count on one hand the amount of times we've talked face-to-face. And they were all at the pilgrimage in Lancaster last year. If you'll enjoy this site more without having to read my posts, then by all means, block me.
I have taken the advice of quite a few people here. I'm done with my apology posts, as they got me no where. It was actually more embaressing for me than helpful, based on the reactions. Also, you surely don't know me well enough to call me shady and disingenuous. One thing I've ALWAYS done during my journey was support people in their excercise needs and questions. I still get pm's from regulars on here with questions. No, I'm not going to give their names out of respect for them. You can choose to believe it or not. Excercise has ALWAYS been the hub of my success and you can ask even those that are no longer my friends and I think they'd even agree with me on that.
Again Nicole, I'm sorry you feel this way. There is obviously no way for me to prove just how sorry I am to those that I have hurt in the past. I've tried to apologize countless times and some people just don't want to accept a sincere apology. I can't do anything about that. I can at least live knowing that I tried. I wish you nothing but the best Nicole and, please, continue to give the support to the rest of the group that needs your help. You have a lot to offer and have always been there for those that needed your help.
You can do what you please, if that's what you find necessary. I do know that I've never done a thing to you personally. In fact, I can probably count on one hand the amount of times we've talked face-to-face. And they were all at the pilgrimage in Lancaster last year. If you'll enjoy this site more without having to read my posts, then by all means, block me.
I have taken the advice of quite a few people here. I'm done with my apology posts, as they got me no where. It was actually more embaressing for me than helpful, based on the reactions. Also, you surely don't know me well enough to call me shady and disingenuous. One thing I've ALWAYS done during my journey was support people in their excercise needs and questions. I still get pm's from regulars on here with questions. No, I'm not going to give their names out of respect for them. You can choose to believe it or not. Excercise has ALWAYS been the hub of my success and you can ask even those that are no longer my friends and I think they'd even agree with me on that.
Again Nicole, I'm sorry you feel this way. There is obviously no way for me to prove just how sorry I am to those that I have hurt in the past. I've tried to apologize countless times and some people just don't want to accept a sincere apology. I can't do anything about that. I can at least live knowing that I tried. I wish you nothing but the best Nicole and, please, continue to give the support to the rest of the group that needs your help. You have a lot to offer and have always been there for those that needed your help.
"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!