Need new hospital info
If you're not "wedded" to the idea of VSG, I would start by finding out who is in network with your insurance for VSG, RNY, and DS, then interviewing the various docs who are your options. All of these procedures have their specific "quirks," but each of them are designed to do the same basic thing. The key really will be in how you work with your doctor and their support staff on a LONG term basis (i.e., for the rest of your life) to make the most out of your tool. So it's critical that you find a doc, facility, and staff that you like and resonate with and who you can listen to and who will listen to you. Do they have active (and POSITIVE) support groups pre- and post-op? Nutritionists on staff (and on call) who you can ask ?? of at any time - even 4 or 5 years out from surgery?
I can tell you that I really love my experience with Barix and Dr. Pupkova and would heartily recommend dr. P, but also Barix because of the comprehensive level of support I've received throughout the process, ranging from the insurance support in getting approvals... through the "Barix bible" that you're given pre-op with answers to just about every question you could possibly have both pre- and post- as well as recipes for every stage... through the exceptional nursing staff (and every other staff person I've encountered)... through the support groups... and the amazing nutritionists. It's a place that works for me on so many levels. And that's what I recommend that you look for in your choice of surgeon and facility, because you will be spending a lot of time and energy with them for a very long time.
Best of luck!
I can tell you that I really love my experience with Barix and Dr. Pupkova and would heartily recommend dr. P, but also Barix because of the comprehensive level of support I've received throughout the process, ranging from the insurance support in getting approvals... through the "Barix bible" that you're given pre-op with answers to just about every question you could possibly have both pre- and post- as well as recipes for every stage... through the exceptional nursing staff (and every other staff person I've encountered)... through the support groups... and the amazing nutritionists. It's a place that works for me on so many levels. And that's what I recommend that you look for in your choice of surgeon and facility, because you will be spending a lot of time and energy with them for a very long time.
Best of luck!