Did I avoid the hair loss issue?
Alright everyone...here's my question...
If you had any hair loss...when did it happen?
A few months after surgery? At so many pounds lost?
I lost 65 lbs before surgery and have lost a grand total now of ~107 lbs total since last October. (My surgery was in July 2009.) I am wondering, since I've lost my weight over the course of a year, if I've avoided the hair loss issue. I have incredibly think hair...always...and that seems to have not changed. The texture may have dried out a little, but I've seen no hair loss.
Is it still to come? I know I haven't gotten in enough protein, because I'm still eating very very little and don't routinely hit the target for protein, though I'm trying hard everyday!
Your opinion?
Congrats on the wonderful progress you have made!!! Keep trying with the protein!!!!
My hair has really thinned out. Fortunately, it's not too noticable.
Not sure if you have dodged the bullet yet.