Disappointment & Ashamed
OMG! You lost 220 lbs! You are such an inspiration!!!!!! 20 lbs is nothing. Get it off now before it snow balls. Concentrate of what you have accomplished. We have an addiction. Don't beat yourself up! Just get back on the wagon!!!!! Hey, even naturally slender people gain weight from time to time. It's natural.
It's not the end of the world!!! You are not disgusting!!!! You might be disgusted with yourself for gaining, but that doesn't mean you're disgusting. Please quit beating yourself up and get back to basics. Measure and log your foods, get your water and protein in, exercise. And look at what you've accomplished!!! 220 lbs lost is phenomenal!!! Please don't give up on yourself!!!
I was in the same boat about this time last year... finally got on a scale.. knowing that I had gained a little weight... but shocked to see I had gained 23 lbs... It was a wake up call.. that I had been lax for WAY too long... I got back on track, I started tracking my intake again... I started working out 4-5 times a week, I started seeing a nutritionist... I fully dedicated myself and made this a priority. I've been successful in 1.. becoming the healthiest version of myself I've ever been 2... regaining a sense of power and control over my body and mind and 3... taken off more then half the weight I had regained and on top of that, with the help of a personal trainer found muscles I never knew I had and gotten stronger, faster.. better. Even though I am still working with weight I want off... I know I'm doing everything in my power to make it happen. The only advice I can give is that.. Unfortunately, it doesn't come off as quick as it did the first time around.. you have to want it, live it and work so so hard for it. You can do it though! and NEVER EVER under estimate the power of positive thinking, If you believe you CAN achieve. Good luck!
5 years post-op (September 19th 2005)
Back on track... and enjoying the ride
Back on track... and enjoying the ride
Someone once told me that:
Every judgement blocks the light.
Stop judging yourself and let your inner light shine. 220 lbs is OMGoodness.....amazing....20 re-gain is a stepping stone. Re-commit and re-work your program and love yourself....you can do it!!!!
Contact me: [email protected] My Facebook Profile
RNY: 4*14*09
Dr. Brader - Lancaster General Hospital (PA)
I would rather be hated for who I am than to be loved for who I am not!!!!
RNY: 4*14*09
Dr. Brader - Lancaster General Hospital (PA)
I would rather be hated for who I am than to be loved for who I am not!!!!