***Wonderful Wednesday Roll Call***
C'mon guys - half way to the weekend!
I got a great surprise last night...I had mentioned how busy I was gonna be today and how I didn't want to go to work last night because then I would be so tired today. Right before I got to work my friend who was in charge called my cell phone and said "we are furloughing people - you are on the top of the list - do you want to not come in AT ALL for the 12 hours?" Does a bear **** in the woods? So...I did some of my errands last night, came home, went out to dinner at my fav italian restaurant, then watched some TV w/ hubby before I went back to bed.
My thyroid labs came back and my thyroid is one big mess at the moment, which explains all the fatigue and muscle problems, along with my hair falling out, that I have been going through the past few months. Today I need to call the doctors office to discuss which meds I am going back on, and if I have to stop at the office for a prescription, or if he will call it in for me. Either way, I need to do that and pick up my meds!
I also need to call our landlord. We got our new lease in the mail (ours expires 10/31) When we originally signed the lease there was a "no pet agreement" clause in it, but handwritten in it was "does not pertain to cats and cats are allowed to be kept" This lease, has the same no pet lease agreement, but makes no mention of being able to have cats. So, I need to call and straighten that out. Because it also says we need to give them 60 days notice if we are moving (which I have no intentions of doing, and now do not have 60 days notice to give them)
We are also going out to finalize pricing out/picking out fridges. Our in laws are buying us a new one and we know basically what we want, but need to finalize our picks from our top three we've been ooogling over for for quite some time.
Then, this evening, will be headed over to Lisa's to pay our respects to her and her family.
Sometime during all this, hubby wants to watch more BSG. At least I don't have to run(most) of the errands I had anticipated on today!
I got a great surprise last night...I had mentioned how busy I was gonna be today and how I didn't want to go to work last night because then I would be so tired today. Right before I got to work my friend who was in charge called my cell phone and said "we are furloughing people - you are on the top of the list - do you want to not come in AT ALL for the 12 hours?" Does a bear **** in the woods? So...I did some of my errands last night, came home, went out to dinner at my fav italian restaurant, then watched some TV w/ hubby before I went back to bed.
My thyroid labs came back and my thyroid is one big mess at the moment, which explains all the fatigue and muscle problems, along with my hair falling out, that I have been going through the past few months. Today I need to call the doctors office to discuss which meds I am going back on, and if I have to stop at the office for a prescription, or if he will call it in for me. Either way, I need to do that and pick up my meds!
I also need to call our landlord. We got our new lease in the mail (ours expires 10/31) When we originally signed the lease there was a "no pet agreement" clause in it, but handwritten in it was "does not pertain to cats and cats are allowed to be kept" This lease, has the same no pet lease agreement, but makes no mention of being able to have cats. So, I need to call and straighten that out. Because it also says we need to give them 60 days notice if we are moving (which I have no intentions of doing, and now do not have 60 days notice to give them)
We are also going out to finalize pricing out/picking out fridges. Our in laws are buying us a new one and we know basically what we want, but need to finalize our picks from our top three we've been ooogling over for for quite some time.
Then, this evening, will be headed over to Lisa's to pay our respects to her and her family.
Sometime during all this, hubby wants to watch more BSG. At least I don't have to run(most) of the errands I had anticipated on today!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Pam - give Lisa and Sieharra big hugs for me!
Oohh good luck with the fridge shopping! Tell Brian I hope it fits through the door :)
Well the verdict from teh Dr is beginning stages of bronchitis - oh joy! Started the antibiotic last night and I am resting as much as possible! So today has me at work as long as I can (hoping to leave at lunchtime) then a quick stop at Giant and home to rest!
What are you up to today?
Oohh good luck with the fridge shopping! Tell Brian I hope it fits through the door :)
Well the verdict from teh Dr is beginning stages of bronchitis - oh joy! Started the antibiotic last night and I am resting as much as possible! So today has me at work as long as I can (hoping to leave at lunchtime) then a quick stop at Giant and home to rest!
What are you up to today?
Good Morning all..........
It's Wednesday........and it's the last day of the month. Which for me, means a busy day at work. Besides taking care of patients, I also have alot of things to take care of for the docs. Last day of the month is alot of info gathering and last minute billing things, etc. So I will be busy but got a head start on it already and it turns out it's a slow patient day......so YIPPEE!
Tonight, Algebra. I got all my homework done and I feel pretty confident that I have this chapter down. I surely hope so because we have a big test next monday and I am not happy about my last test.
Hoep everyone has a great day............
It's Wednesday........and it's the last day of the month. Which for me, means a busy day at work. Besides taking care of patients, I also have alot of things to take care of for the docs. Last day of the month is alot of info gathering and last minute billing things, etc. So I will be busy but got a head start on it already and it turns out it's a slow patient day......so YIPPEE!
Tonight, Algebra. I got all my homework done and I feel pretty confident that I have this chapter down. I surely hope so because we have a big test next monday and I am not happy about my last test.
Hoep everyone has a great day............
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
Good Morning Pam & PA;
Today is pretty much the same. Been catching up on books that I have not read, today I have to sit myself down and get my paper written for tomorrow night's class as well as the reading for the class.
Take my walk and that's about it for my exciting day.
Hope everyone has a great day!!!!!
Today is pretty much the same. Been catching up on books that I have not read, today I have to sit myself down and get my paper written for tomorrow night's class as well as the reading for the class.
Take my walk and that's about it for my exciting day.
Hope everyone has a great day!!!!!
Good morning PA -
Pam: You lucky girl...I love it when my part-time job calls and says "No hours tonight". Glad you had a chance to relax.
Today has started our great. I am ROCKIN' a new suit. The jacket was a bit snug when I bought it a couple of weeks ago and now it buttons perfectly. The pants are even a touch big. Fortunately, I only spent $20.00 on it, because I'm not sure that I will actually get too many wears out of it before it's too big. Woo hoo !!
I'm at work today and 3:30pm and then off to work at the Doc's tonight. It will be hell I'm sure. Everyone is sick and we have a full flu shot schedule tonight. Fun, fun.
Hope everyone has a good day.
Pam: You lucky girl...I love it when my part-time job calls and says "No hours tonight". Glad you had a chance to relax.
Today has started our great. I am ROCKIN' a new suit. The jacket was a bit snug when I bought it a couple of weeks ago and now it buttons perfectly. The pants are even a touch big. Fortunately, I only spent $20.00 on it, because I'm not sure that I will actually get too many wears out of it before it's too big. Woo hoo !!
I'm at work today and 3:30pm and then off to work at the Doc's tonight. It will be hell I'm sure. Everyone is sick and we have a full flu shot schedule tonight. Fun, fun.
Hope everyone has a good day.
So things are looking really good at work for a promotion. I've been doing the job of my promotion for the last year. Isn't that usually the way it goes. But now it will be official (if it goes through).
I need to work on a couple items. One... I need to chew more. When I get busy I forget to chew as much and then get that wonderful pain in my tummy. chew chew chew. Second. I need to set a reminder for my second snack. I get so busy in the afternoons... I forget. Must find a way to get that in.
I need to work on a couple items. One... I need to chew more. When I get busy I forget to chew as much and then get that wonderful pain in my tummy. chew chew chew. Second. I need to set a reminder for my second snack. I get so busy in the afternoons... I forget. Must find a way to get that in.
Good morning all - happy shopping for the new fridge, Pam, and get that thyroid thing taken care of - that's nothing to play around with. Hope you're feeling better soon.
Today finds me at work - nothing new there - hubby has decided to go back on his own insurance so now I can really concentrate on my new plan and decide which is best for me - makes it much easier.
Quiet day in the office - still playing with my CDs and what songs I want to download on my MP3 (yes I have a lovely job) - that'll keep me busy and keep me from 'grazing' thru-out the day.
Tomorrow I am off to take mom for the results of her latest pet scan - she has decided no more treatments. She's been very tired, coughing terribly, and just generally not feeling great, so more treatments would definitely mean another hospital stay. She is also looking at hospice and home health care - I know this is very difficult for her (and us) but I am fortunate in the fact that my mother can face things like not being able to drive anymore and making the decision to give that up, and now taking her care into her own hands. I'll help where I can but I'm happy to see that she's not in denial about her health cir****tances.
Other than that a quiet day...hope everyone has a good one.
Today finds me at work - nothing new there - hubby has decided to go back on his own insurance so now I can really concentrate on my new plan and decide which is best for me - makes it much easier.
Quiet day in the office - still playing with my CDs and what songs I want to download on my MP3 (yes I have a lovely job) - that'll keep me busy and keep me from 'grazing' thru-out the day.
Tomorrow I am off to take mom for the results of her latest pet scan - she has decided no more treatments. She's been very tired, coughing terribly, and just generally not feeling great, so more treatments would definitely mean another hospital stay. She is also looking at hospice and home health care - I know this is very difficult for her (and us) but I am fortunate in the fact that my mother can face things like not being able to drive anymore and making the decision to give that up, and now taking her care into her own hands. I'll help where I can but I'm happy to see that she's not in denial about her health cir****tances.
Other than that a quiet day...hope everyone has a good one.
PS: I was so excited this morning - at the Rehobeth outlets the other week I bought 2 tops at Lands End - one is a pullover with a rolled collar - really sharp - AND I'M WEARING IT TODAY and it fits great!! I have NEVER bought anything from Lands End so its really exciting to be able to wear their clothing now!!
I love RNY!!
I love RNY!!
good morning all. I am purely exhausted!!! I am 25 weeks pregnant and feel like im in need of a huge break. I seriously would not feel bad if I got put on bed rest at this point. LOL, Well maybe just for a few days..
Besides that Im going to work shortly till about 330 then im off to pick up Lola. Its just her and I tonight as hubby is working late tonight and the boy is with his dad for 2 days!
Im hoping i get to rest.
Besides that Im going to work shortly till about 330 then im off to pick up Lola. Its just her and I tonight as hubby is working late tonight and the boy is with his dad for 2 days!
Im hoping i get to rest.