Ok, I have not busy at work today and have been researching all day. I was wondering what you all thought about DS vs RNY, I see a lot of long term issues with RNY but a lot of malabsorbsion issues with DS. Is the long term issue more a "personal" issue not a RNY issue.? I have been on he DS board on here and read a lot of what is going on there. What are your thoughts? If you had RNY are you happy with your decision? If not why? Sorry to be wishy, washy, I just want to make sure I make the BEST DECISION!!! Thanks in advance!!
oh there was a similar post just recently about Lap vs RNY. I included my choice for RNY over DS and Lap. In addition, there is a DSer who gave some great info on that subject as well. I'll see if I can find that post.
here it is
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/PA/4029875/Lap-Band-vs-RNY /
here it is
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/PA/4029875/Lap-Band-vs-RNY /
You're not being wishy-washy - you are being SMART when it comes to gathering info and making the decision that is right for YOU.
I never considered DS so I honestly cannot speak to it - I can tell you that I am very pleased with my RNY, even tho I have had dumping episodes and foamies, but I'll take them because they are few and far between, and other than dumping episodes (which were all accidental), things have gone wonderfully for me. Stupidity has caused my foamie episodes - eating too fast or the wrong things.
I have had excellent bloodwork results since having my RNY - almost textbook perfect. So far I have had no problems with malabsorption, low B12 or iron levels or amenia. I think I had an excellent surgeon and staff at Barix who prepared me in every way possible for what I would be facing once surgery was over, and like my husband likes to tell people - the surgery was easy - the hard part is learning a new way of eating, living and life.
I would have this surgery again in a heartbeat, but I would definitely recommend researching your surgeon, the facility you are thinking about having your surgery at, and the pre and post op care that is supplied by the surgeon and his team - those things are key in being successful in whatever weight loss procedure you choose.
I wish you all the best and know in the end you will make the decision that is right for you!
I never considered DS so I honestly cannot speak to it - I can tell you that I am very pleased with my RNY, even tho I have had dumping episodes and foamies, but I'll take them because they are few and far between, and other than dumping episodes (which were all accidental), things have gone wonderfully for me. Stupidity has caused my foamie episodes - eating too fast or the wrong things.
I have had excellent bloodwork results since having my RNY - almost textbook perfect. So far I have had no problems with malabsorption, low B12 or iron levels or amenia. I think I had an excellent surgeon and staff at Barix who prepared me in every way possible for what I would be facing once surgery was over, and like my husband likes to tell people - the surgery was easy - the hard part is learning a new way of eating, living and life.
I would have this surgery again in a heartbeat, but I would definitely recommend researching your surgeon, the facility you are thinking about having your surgery at, and the pre and post op care that is supplied by the surgeon and his team - those things are key in being successful in whatever weight loss procedure you choose.
I wish you all the best and know in the end you will make the decision that is right for you!
Of the two options, DSers have the most eating options, but you will still have to watch your carbs. You also will have to take more supplements because of the deeper malabsorption level. I don't regret my decision to have the RNY but if I had to do it over again, I would have gone DS. DSers can drink with their meals and have less restrictions. Weight loss is quicker and long term as long as the carbs are controlled. Just be sure about who you choose for your surgeon. You need to be comfortable with the doctor and facility.