Surgery Tomarrow
I am so scared and nervous. Up till this point, people have been concerned because I was so positive and excited about this. Well they shouldnt be now, cause I almost have myself sick thinking about I TRUST my surgeon, I am pretty healthy besides my weight, I know everything is going to be fine. I am just having Jitters right? I just keep thinking about leaving my 3 babies. I almost feel like I am being selfish, that I want and need this so bad, I am not stoping to think about the what ifs and my kids. Someone please tell me this is normal, to go from cool, calm, and excited to totally freaking
Anyways, everyone please keep me in your thoughts and prayers, I will have my Husband update everyone tomarrow night when he gets home. Thanks everyone for your support and advice on this board. It has been a lifesaver!
Congrats and best of luck tomorrow. Speedy recovery and all that.
I have a two year old toddler and I just knew that I had to go through with my surgery. Because I wanted to be proactive about being around for him for as many years as I could. Being a mom makes us worry about everything.
You are in my thoughts!!!
Good luck. It's normal to be scared. Remember all of us here have gone through the exact same thing. So you are not alone. Did doc give you an Ativan or Xanax to take tomorrow morning? That helped me.
Hang in there today and remember that after tomorrow, your life will change forever. And it will be so exciting. You will do great!
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
From what I have heard this is common. This is not really about being selfi****s about doing what you need to do to get healthy, and being there for your three babies. I do not give thought to the what ifs yet, my thoughts are seeing myself standing on one side of a bridge, and the after surgery as being on the other side, although I can't really see what the other side of the bridge looks like, but I don't worry about going over the bridge, because I know it will be ok, if that makes any sense to you.
You are just having the jitters, everything will be "better" than fine. Prayers and Good Thoughts coming your way.
Hugs Ena