I'm 6 1/2 yrs post-op RNY & holding steady for about 5 years as a size 8 AND I'd never experienced the dreaded "dumping" syndrome.

Reading descriptions of the experience on my surgeon's message board put the fear of dumping into me big time!

Two nights ago, however, I was taken down by a full-blown dumping episode; AND, it wasn't from eating "forbidden" foods!

What I realized as the episode began was that the fruit salad I'd made with fresh-but-over-ripe kiwi & bananas, had made portion control hard for me to gauge; that I'd probably eaten the equivalent of 1 kiwi+ 1 banana; and the level of fructose, possibly fermented!, was more than my intestinal tract could manage.

My heart was racing, my head was fizzy, I felt dizzy, I found myself panting, gas cramps followed, I staggered upstairs to where my husband was dead asleep, yelling his name in what sounded to my ears as slurred speech. If I'd been in public, I think most folks would've thought I was falling-down-drunk.
I tried lying down. Bad Idea.
I tried standing bent over our bed. Another Bad Idea.
Something told me my only hope was to walk it off, hanging onto Jim's arm. For 30 min. I walked around our upstairs until I was able to support myself with my sturdy walking stick.
Jim went downstairs & came up with a 32 oz. bottle of filtered water with sugar-free Propel lemon powder diluted 50%. I started drinking the water through a straw & walking.
I asked Jim to go

It did & I fell into bed at midnight, propped up on my back - about 100 min. after it began. It wasn't over, but it was at a level where my fatigue could overpower everything else & I fell asleep.

So what have I learned?

I have to be as careful around fresh fruit salads as any salad bar or buffet banquet.

It has been an exhausting, frightening and educational experience. Sunday, I felt like a limp dishrag.

My hope is that by sharing it with you,


Lauralyn Bellamy, MA, MDIV, ct Dreamcoach
Self-sabotage stopped!
Learn more at:
You poor dear! I tell you what- I am only 4 months out and dump often...not quite as drastic as yours - have had that kind maybe 3 times...and never from eating something labeled "bad" I too dumped on a banana and have not had nerve to try one again yet. Eggs was another. And tuna! It stinks and also, even the "mini dumps" as I call them take EVERYTHING out of you. I am exhausted once my body is done purging what should not be there. You have been initiated!! :)
Also... GOOD JOB seems too small to say---awesome on staying a size 8 (my goal mind you!!) for 5 years. You are an inspiration to me!! Keep it up!
Also... GOOD JOB seems too small to say---awesome on staying a size 8 (my goal mind you!!) for 5 years. You are an inspiration to me!! Keep it up!
Sandra MY WL themed Blog: MA2JENNA

Dear Sandra,
Thank you for your caring words!
I'm concerned about the frequency of dumping episodes you describe. Does your surgeon know?
Also, as I was taught it, dumping isn't the same as putting too much unchewed food in one's pouch and needing to upchuck it out. I went thru that A LOT in the 2nd-3rd months. I'd chew and chew and chew...Finally, I convinced my doc's nurse that it wasn't for lack of proper chewing that even a small half a tunasalad sandwich was getting stuck. They scheduled an endoscopy which revealed my stoma had scarred over & needed to be stretched open. It was quick & painless and only had to be done once.
On my profile, you'll find my stories about how I've beaten the odds in not regaining the weight!
I'm here to show others how to overcome a lifetime of self-sabotage!
stay in touch!
Thank you for your caring words!
I'm concerned about the frequency of dumping episodes you describe. Does your surgeon know?
Also, as I was taught it, dumping isn't the same as putting too much unchewed food in one's pouch and needing to upchuck it out. I went thru that A LOT in the 2nd-3rd months. I'd chew and chew and chew...Finally, I convinced my doc's nurse that it wasn't for lack of proper chewing that even a small half a tunasalad sandwich was getting stuck. They scheduled an endoscopy which revealed my stoma had scarred over & needed to be stretched open. It was quick & painless and only had to be done once.
On my profile, you'll find my stories about how I've beaten the odds in not regaining the weight!
I'm here to show others how to overcome a lifetime of self-sabotage!

Lauralyn Bellamy, MA, MDIV, ct Dreamcoach
Self-sabotage stopped!
Learn more at:
Hi Lauralyn,
Yuck, how horrible!!! I am glad you survived that episode. I am only out a short-time. 4 weeks tomorrow and also have had the fear of dumping instilled in me.
I wanted to thank you very much for sharing your experience. It only re-inforces my fear which is a great thing.
You take care of yourself.
Yuck, how horrible!!! I am glad you survived that episode. I am only out a short-time. 4 weeks tomorrow and also have had the fear of dumping instilled in me.
I wanted to thank you very much for sharing your experience. It only re-inforces my fear which is a great thing.
You take care of yourself.

I am living proof of that.
I was a CARB ADDICT who absolutely could not imagine breakfast without a big bagel with "a schmear" of cream cheese +; a cheese danish; a Starbuck's scone; a giant muffin, etc. I craved bakery breads and pasta.
By following the RNY nutrition protocols, I lost my taste for starch! I went for protein FOOD (not liquid drinks) that quickly filled my pouch, some fresh veggies, a bit of fresh fruit.
I never had much of a sweet tooth, but I also diluted sugar-free flavorings for my water by 50% so the water wasn't so sweet.
The statement that, after a while, "You can eat whatever you want, just less of it" is a dangerous falsehood. The appetites that got us obese need to change.
I truly enjoy the food I eat; and, if I want to taste something out of sheer curiosity I do so. A taste has never triggered a craving for me. It's nice to be around food as a non-addict. To see & smell delicious foods and not have an immediate and urgent yearning for them.
All that is possible if one learns how to prepare the right foods and how to eat them in a way that is enjoyable.
That said, NO ONE who has a history of chronic obesity is capable of making all these behavioral changes on their own; self-sabotage is inevitable. We all need a coach/counselor to accompany us until the new behaviors and food preferences become natural, second nature to us.
All the best, Geoff. Please let me know if I can be of any further support!
Lauralyn Bellamy, MA, MDIV, ct Dreamcoach
Self-sabotage stopped!
Learn more at:
Yes, the Dr knows. He tells me in 6 months from now I won't remember that (ya right!! I told him he was nuts) I had my gallbladder out about 7 weeks after my bypass so my body is behind - or was at least - what most would have been at 7 weeks out so I had to play catch up. I not only had to recover and have my body learn how to function on the bypass change but then it had to learn how to work with no gallbladder...I am lucky I did not explode LOL! I chew and rarely bring things UP anymore, but why I called it mini dumps is I think I have that ONE bite too many - mind you I seriously only eat about 3 bites of food - and I sweat, shake, feel bad and have to lay down (laying down helps me) and when it is a real dump I usually have the runs in a bit. It is OK...I am fine. :) I will read your stories on keeping it all of because that is totally my goal..I do not want to be one who gains a lot back!
Sandra MY WL themed Blog: MA2JENNA

Sandra, that absolutely sounds like dumping to me! What, exactly, are you eating when you have the "one bite too many?"
Have you noticed any patterns to it?
Have you noticed any patterns to it?
Lauralyn Bellamy, MA, MDIV, ct Dreamcoach
Self-sabotage stopped!
Learn more at:
So sorry to hear about your dumping episode - and I'm sure you're glad now you never did 'test the waters' to see what would happen!! I have also dumped on things that I thought were safe so I know now to really watch and read everything. I dumped on frozen pineapple once that I put into a protein shake - OMG it was horrible, and I honestly never thought pineapple would do that to me but it does, so now I use sf pineapple syrup.
Not much you can do to get thru dumping other than what you did - laying down and curling up in a fetal position always worked for me, but we're all different.
Here's hoping you never dump again!!
Not much you can do to get thru dumping other than what you did - laying down and curling up in a fetal position always worked for me, but we're all different.
Here's hoping you never dump again!!
Dear Ditt,
Many thanks for your kind words.
And congratulations on your excellent weight loss! I see you're almost to goal weight and only 18months out. That was me, too.
How has your life changed, living in your lighter body??
Many thanks for your kind words.
And congratulations on your excellent weight loss! I see you're almost to goal weight and only 18months out. That was me, too.
How has your life changed, living in your lighter body??
Lauralyn Bellamy, MA, MDIV, ct Dreamcoach
Self-sabotage stopped!
Learn more at: