Sleep Study Last Night
I personally do not know why they call it a "sleep" study, after they hooked me up to the 29 wires and I got situated in bed, I could not go to sleep, one wire was pulling my under my eye, the nasal cannula kept poking my nose, I got tangled trying to turn over, then one of my leg wires got under neither me and I almost pulled it off, OUCH!!! Finally feel asleep at 3ish and got woke up at 5:20. WOW, this is going to be a very long day at work. Oh also I have to repeat the "sleep" study because I was not asleep long enough for a good test. SO EXCITED!! Hope you all had a better night sleep, come on 4:30!!!!!
Its a miserable test - all that gunk in your hair and on your face - wires everywhere - luckily I didn't have a problem falling asleep but unfortunately I get up several times a night to potty (still do) so every time I had to go I had to get the techs to unhook me - what a pain!!
The second time I went in they did the C-Pap but I fell asleep so fast they had to wake me up to put it on - LOL!! My head hits the pillow pretty much wherever I am and I'm out.
Hopefully next time it will go better...and just think, once the weight is off you never have to do it again! Woo-hoo!!
The second time I went in they did the C-Pap but I fell asleep so fast they had to wake me up to put it on - LOL!! My head hits the pillow pretty much wherever I am and I'm out.
Hopefully next time it will go better...and just think, once the weight is off you never have to do it again! Woo-hoo!!
I drove to work and slept in the parking lot until I had to go to work. I set my alarm for 7:50am, and woke to my face stuck to the pillow, I guess when I showered at 5:30, I was not aware of the tape stuck all over my face!!! I had a good little laugh. And for the hair I look like I have not showered in weeks, GROSS!!! I love this website, it is good to know you are not alone!!