Hailey...my angel
Hi everyone...I want to thank you all again for all of the prayers and positive thoughts...they are definitely working!! My baby girl, who they weren't sure would live to be a week old, is 3 weeks old today!! :-)
Hailey has reached her goal of 80 ccs of breastmilk and she's tolerating it well. She spits up a little once or twice a day, but is doing great. She is still being fed through a tube in her nose. She's being evaluated 2-3 times a week by the speech team to see when she will be ready to try to drink from a bottle...so far she's not ready, but I have hope. Worse case, she'll have to come home with a feeding tube.
She is off all of her seizure meds and had her last dose of antibiotics today. She is on a waiting list for an MRI...hopefully that will happen in the next day or two. It won't tell us how she will be a year or even two years from now, but it may spot any brain damage that may be there. She will also have another EEG sometime this week to make sure she's not having any more seizures since being off her meds. She'll also have to have another spinal tap probably this week...the first one she had last weekend showed a possibility of meninghitis, so they want to repeat it just in case.
The doctors still can't tell us when she will come home...could be two weeks, could be a lot longer...and they still can't tell us if anything will be wrong with her long term, but I think I can finally see a light at the end of this very long tunnel. She is my beautiful, strong, feisty angel and she's perfect. Now if only I could just stop crying all the time...
Love you all!!
Hailey has reached her goal of 80 ccs of breastmilk and she's tolerating it well. She spits up a little once or twice a day, but is doing great. She is still being fed through a tube in her nose. She's being evaluated 2-3 times a week by the speech team to see when she will be ready to try to drink from a bottle...so far she's not ready, but I have hope. Worse case, she'll have to come home with a feeding tube.
She is off all of her seizure meds and had her last dose of antibiotics today. She is on a waiting list for an MRI...hopefully that will happen in the next day or two. It won't tell us how she will be a year or even two years from now, but it may spot any brain damage that may be there. She will also have another EEG sometime this week to make sure she's not having any more seizures since being off her meds. She'll also have to have another spinal tap probably this week...the first one she had last weekend showed a possibility of meninghitis, so they want to repeat it just in case.
The doctors still can't tell us when she will come home...could be two weeks, could be a lot longer...and they still can't tell us if anything will be wrong with her long term, but I think I can finally see a light at the end of this very long tunnel. She is my beautiful, strong, feisty angel and she's perfect. Now if only I could just stop crying all the time...
Love you all!!
Lisa H.

Lisa, I am so glad that things are looking up for you. Prayers and positive thoughts definitely work wonders when needed. It sounds like she is getting the best care possible. Just remember that you and Russ need to take care of yourselves, too. She can't have you being anything less than 100% when she comes home to you.
The crying, well... no solution for that. I'm sure some of the tears are happy ones knowing how far she has come.
We are rooting for you Hailey girl!!!
The crying, well... no solution for that. I'm sure some of the tears are happy ones knowing how far she has come.
We are rooting for you Hailey girl!!!
I'm so glad to see you posting.
All three of you are fighters....and Hailey is living proof of this. I can't believe it is three weeks already!!! I hope all of the testing goes well this week.
I know much easier said then done, but do make sure you get your rest when you can. Hailey will have you up many a night once she is home, I am sure, so sleep when you can.
You know how to get a hold of me if you need absolutely anything, including just to have someone "new" listen to you cry.
Love you,
All three of you are fighters....and Hailey is living proof of this. I can't believe it is three weeks already!!! I hope all of the testing goes well this week.
I know much easier said then done, but do make sure you get your rest when you can. Hailey will have you up many a night once she is home, I am sure, so sleep when you can.
You know how to get a hold of me if you need absolutely anything, including just to have someone "new" listen to you cry.
Love you,
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

So thrilled for the positive updates on your angel. She is very strong, like her Mommy. You will be able to bring her home very soon, and then you can rest and be the family you long to be.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer