*** Thursday Roll Call ***
I totally forgot that I had an appointment with my Rabbi yesterday - OY! This is the second time I forgo an appointment with him. I just never looked at my calendar - fortunately it is the time of year for forgiveness, so I will pray extra hard on Monday at the synagogue! :)
So - today has me at wor****il 3:15. Nothing planned this afternoon, however, both of my oldest kids have their back-to-school nights this evening. I hate when this happens. I am going to Molly's and Larry will be going to Josh's until he has to get into work. That is my VERY exciting day - I think....Maybe I should consult my calendar! :)
So - I have a question - I will call Barix later today - however, are we allowed to fast? This Monday is Yom Kippur and as I mentioned earlier - I will be in Synagogue all day and we are supposed to fast for 24 hours to "cleanse" ourselves while we are asking for forgiveness. What would fasting do to our system for one day - I get a bit nauseated when I am hungry - is it bad? Any thoughts? Fasting for one day a year has never been a big deal and I always felt good about myself when I got through, so if I would prefer to follow the holiday if I can, however, I do NOT want to jeapordize anything! What do you think?
Hope you all have a great Thursday - hold on - it's almost the weekend! :)
Today, I am up early again to do some OT. I would like to get some more time in, but with my oh so busy schedule, it's just not happening. Last night I planned to go to bed early, but my friend was having some issues and needed someone to talk/vent to, so he came over and didn't leave until about midnight. I rested part of the time he was here, but not the sleep I wanted. Plus, the sore throat I had in the morning went away, but the sinus headache and sniffles are here full force. UGH
I am going to make an appointment to get my brakes done today. There is a Midas in walking distance of my apartment, so I am going to drop off the car and walk home and make that time my lunch. Then, I will go walk to pick it up after work, I guess.
After that, TODAY is Rocco day.. it was supposed to be yesterday, but he was fixing up his room at his new place and lost track of time. SO, we rescheduled for today. Siehara has dance and another mom will be picking her up from school to take her, so I have time right at 4:00 for that. Then, I will pick up Siehara and her friend from dance, take her friend home and then run home to shower and get ready for BINGO!!!! My night out if I can stay awake!
That's it for me... have a great Thursday everyone!! It's Friday eve!
Good morning!!
The whole fasting thing came up last year by someone else on the board (I am not Jewish...) and for the life of me I can't remember the exact answer from Barix. The patient was a patient of Dr. Pupkova. I *think* she said that you still needed to drink water and when the man who was asking the question looked into the "details" of the fasting issue it said something about exception to the rules for medical conditions and Dr. Pupkova believed that we were a medical condition? I could be totally wrong on this one. And it's probably a very individual choice. In the grand scheme of things will one day of decreased protein totally hurt your system? I sure as hope heck not because goodness knows there have been PLENTY of days like that for me. Good luck on your answers.
Anywho...today. Hmmm I ended up getting a really good nights sleep - fell asleep on the couch early and was woken up by Brian going "it's time for bed" so I opened my eyes enough to get myself to the bedroom and promptly fell back to sleep. So here I sit wide awake at 6:30 am, LOL
I have a doctors appointment at 1:15 which I'm actually excited about. I hadn't gotten a primary doc since we moved and called one yesterday just to be established as a new patient...and they had a cancellation right before I called so I'm going there today. Need to be set up with some labs and stuff and also need to have some "real" follow up on this UTI. Also want to talk to him about some sleep issues I have when I am changing shifts etc.
Gonna make dinner for hubby - not quite sure what that will entail as of yet. I think steak and some sort of potato
And, if my bladder/back cooperates (the back pain is still there, but it didn't get any worse and I never got a fever) I'll go out for a walk or something as well.
Have a great day!

I am heading to school, and all that fun. Then tonight is Back to School Night. I have to go home and play with the dog between the two, as he is really skitzy these days.
Maybe I will see you tonight.
Albert Schweitzer

Today my plans include a walk about 9am or so. I went out yesterday for about a half hour and felt really good, maybe today I'll increase it a bit. When I'm with Gene I walk further and for longer periods of time, I feel safer with someone with me.
Then I will complete my preparations and readings for my first class tonight. I can't drive yet so Gene will take me to class and hang out till it's over.
Hope you all have a great day!!!!!!
After walking today, I will be going through old clothes and packing them up for some charity
What ever you are doing today, smile and please be safe
Starting weight 273
Surgery weight 252
Post op weight 191 3/18/10