I'm sooo happy!
OK hear is part of my story. I finished all my pre-admission testing about 6 weeks ago and one of my concerns was that my A1c test in June was a 11.4 really high! When I meet with Dr. Boe he said he needed it to be at least an 8. Well by Aug I got it down to 9.4 still to high. They booked my surgery anyway and said if I didn't get it down to 8 by the time of my pre-surgery testing they would reschedule my surgery! I had my pre-surgery testing done on Wed. and My A1c come back....6.8!! I sooo happy! Surgery is a go, and I think I might be able to do this! If I can get my A1c down that fast in 6 weeks I feel I can do anything! Yeah!!

Congratulations on getting your A1C down. That is no small feat my dad is type 2 diabetic and I know how much he struggles with that constantly. I am so happy for you and I will be moving down to make room for you on the loser's bench. I know you will do great you are in great hands with Dr Boe and the Barix clinics.
Congratulations on getting your A1C down. That is no small feat my dad is type 2 diabetic and I know how much he struggles with that constantly. I am so happy for you and I will be moving down to make room for you on the loser's bench. I know you will do great you are in great hands with Dr Boe and the Barix clinics.
A1C is a different type of diabetes control test. It's kind of like seeing an "average" of, if I remember correct, the past month - 3 mos blood sugars. In nursing school (although it's a little more complicated than this) it was originally explained to me that a person could get their blood sugar in check "in time" for their doctors appointments for their finger sticks, but if they weren't following the guidelines ALL the time and the doctors pulled an A1C, it would show if their blood sugars had normally been running high even though the one or two "accuchecks" (fingersticks) in the office or wherever showed "good" numbers.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Thanks everyone your the best! Oh for those who dont know what an A1c test is...
Its called an hemoglobin A1c test. It is a scale to let you know how bad your diabetes is. Some who isn't diabetic is usually 4 or a 5 sh. So the fact mine back in June was 11.4 was REALLY bad! It took hugs amount of time to monitor and watch everything I ate.(good practice for my new life) Also make sure I took my insulin when I should. It was a big step for me I never have had it that low since I been diagnosed with diabetes.
Its called an hemoglobin A1c test. It is a scale to let you know how bad your diabetes is. Some who isn't diabetic is usually 4 or a 5 sh. So the fact mine back in June was 11.4 was REALLY bad! It took hugs amount of time to monitor and watch everything I ate.(good practice for my new life) Also make sure I took my insulin when I should. It was a big step for me I never have had it that low since I been diagnosed with diabetes.