September Cooking Class / Support Group!
Saturday September 26th!! Noon until??? (usually 4-5pm)
All are welcome regardless of surgeon, type of surgery or stage in the journey! Your support person is also more then welcome! The Hubbys/Boyfriends/Signifigant Others usually hang out in the living room and play Wii.
If anyone has a recipe that they would like to see made more WLS friendly just let me know and I'll get it worked into the menu!
My address is
65 Raubsville Road
Easton PA 18042
cell - 610-462-1204
You can park anywhere on my grass (pink garage and forward) if you pull in facing the garage it allows more room for everyone to park! (The lady behind me is a witch and will call the cops if you park on her grass - so pink garage and forward is safe!)
PS - We do ask for a small donation (totally annoymous - there is a jar on the counter) if possible to help offset the costs
All are welcome regardless of surgeon, type of surgery or stage in the journey! Your support person is also more then welcome! The Hubbys/Boyfriends/Signifigant Others usually hang out in the living room and play Wii.
If anyone has a recipe that they would like to see made more WLS friendly just let me know and I'll get it worked into the menu!
My address is
65 Raubsville Road
Easton PA 18042
cell - 610-462-1204
You can park anywhere on my grass (pink garage and forward) if you pull in facing the garage it allows more room for everyone to park! (The lady behind me is a witch and will call the cops if you park on her grass - so pink garage and forward is safe!)
PS - We do ask for a small donation (totally annoymous - there is a jar on the counter) if possible to help offset the costs
I am coming. No, seriously...I am. I've been dragging my teenager to work every morning at 6:45pm then picking her up at 3:30pm so she owes me BIG She is already set to watch the kids. In case that falls thru, my hubby will be home from class at noon and he is my back up so between the two of them....I am coming.