Does anyone ever look like they are 5 months pregnant after eating?
Spin classes are da bomb! You MUST....and I stress MUST go to walmart, sports authority, target, SOMEWHERE with a sports section and buy a cushioned gel seat. Even then it can get a little uncomfortable...but if you don't...holy crap...hurts like hell and I'm not talking about the muscles in your leg (which also end up pretty sore, I might add, LOL)
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Two years out and I do sometimes get bloated after eating and my kids joke about my looking pregnant. Not funny, but it does seem to go away after about an hour. This tail bone thing is a pain in the butt!!!!! Literally!!!! I was hoping it would simmer down after time, but now I'm not so sure I won't just have to learn to live with it. I actually bruised my butt the other day by sitting on a log while fishing. Whoever thought I'd complain that my butt was bony! LOL.
Blessings, Jill
WLS 5/31/07. Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!
I have the stomach problem as well, someone mentioned that it might be a food allergy, however after taking a census of some skinny people (not WLS) it seems it happens to a lot of people, just not everyone. The armpit thing is something you can work around, just pull everything over and make it tight before you shave. The tailbone thing has been an issue for me for over a year. Its something skinny people deal with all the time, so I'm told.