Happy Hump Day Roll Call... so what if it's a little early!
Wor****il 3:30, cleaned my piles up and oiled the desk - on my dime of course as the company doesn't pay for that but I love a freshly cleaned, polished desktop to work on. LOL. After work will be a power walk and laundry. Then to Barix for the meeting. Last night I spoke at an informational session for Dr. Boe. It felt so wonderful to answer questions and provide info to those who attended. One girl even cried after looking at my before pic. I pretty much cry too when I see it. Gave them all the info on the groups and this board and how wonderful the PA board is for support and information.
Happy Wednesday!
Happy Wednesday!
regards, keri
Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass... it's about learning to dance in the rain. --Author Uknown
It's a 'normal'day at the office. Must leave for home (make my exit time MY priority) on time to get the new cats to their introduction appt with the family vet...
Oh yeah, I forget to share the good news... we have two new crazy catz....we adopted them on Saturday....these two guys are 8 years old and were rescued from a hoarder's home. They existed in a small travel crate. It was clear they had never been in a large space before. We've named the black tuxedo cat RUPERT and his buddy the brown/black Tabby is henceforth known as Digby Philbert NoSox.
I've decided that time with my pets is 'my new chocolate' and I love to savor every second of it!
And, this is something hubby and I do together....which makes it extra special.
Oh yeah, I forget to share the good news... we have two new crazy catz....we adopted them on Saturday....these two guys are 8 years old and were rescued from a hoarder's home. They existed in a small travel crate. It was clear they had never been in a large space before. We've named the black tuxedo cat RUPERT and his buddy the brown/black Tabby is henceforth known as Digby Philbert NoSox.
I've decided that time with my pets is 'my new chocolate' and I love to savor every second of it!
And, this is something hubby and I do together....which makes it extra special.