Exactly one week to my surgery
I have exactly one week to my surgery as of today
I'm beginning my second week of my liquid diet, was not as bad as I was expecting. The only day I had a huge challenge was last Thursday at work, one of my co-worker brought in GOOD did I mention GOOD chocolate covered cherries. Chocolate covered cherries are a weakness of mine. Passing them around the office, everyone and his brother had to keep coming to my desk and insist that I had to have one . I kept graceously saying no thank you.. Finally one of my co-workers said wow I admire your restraint, I could never do that. The box finally disapeared to the other side of the office where I never go good riddence to those
I'm finishing up my last paper for my project for school. Thrusday night is the presentation to the class for my final grade on my business plan. After that I have some electives to take that will get me through till Feb, then graduation in May. I will be off from classes for two weeks after my surgery so that will be a nice break, give me time to get aclimated to my new schedule after surgery.
This week I will have 4 days of work to get everything ready for my absence. Might be working late a few nights to get it all ready.
I haven't even begun to think about packing for the hospital. If it's anything like my last hospital stay, I'll need chapstick, undies, a robe, and I'll have the clothes I wear in on Monday to wear home when I'm discharged. They will supply the hospital gowns rather than me bringing night gowns. I prefer to pack light - traveling on the Harley has taught me to minimize my packing
Ok, enought procastinating on the paper - Gotta get this paper completed TODAY!!!!!!
I'm sure your paper is fabulous (despite your FB post) and you will get all your stuff ready for work. It'll keep you busy at the very least during this last week!
Oh - and WTG on the cherry thing. I HATE how people constantly "insist" you have something that you don't want, don't need, and have said "no" to on numerous occassions. IMHO, I feel that is like asking a recovering addict to take a sip of alcohol or "one hit" of their drug of choice. It's just not nice.

Gene is going over my paper right now. I'm waiting to see what he thinks...
I can't believe there is so much to do, yet only 4 days to get it all done, oh well whatever doesn't get done guess it will wait till I go back to work.
I was getting pretty aggrivated when the 6th person brought the same box to my desk, but I was nice, smiled and kept saying no thank you

So far so good with the pre op diet. When I forget to get a shake I get hungry, I'm a little more tired than normal but I really think that has to do with my paper not the liquid diet. Other than those chocolate covered cherries I've been ok with it.