had psych eval today...
Hey everyone,
I had my psych eval today down by Hershey.
Dr. Getz was the dr.
He was great, very open and funny. I loved him!
He said that he was " giving me the green light for the surgery"!!!!!!!
I'm so happy that part is over.
Everything is done now except for my nutrition classes... I have 4 more to go.
Haven't run into any snags yet. ( knock on wood,..right?)
I just had to tell you whats been going on lately.. Thanks
He asked me a million questions.
I think every psych dr. asks different things.
It wasn't all about food.
He asked me if I eat if I'm angry or sad, (emotional eating)
asked if I overeat and purge, (bulimia) or if I ever did?
asked if I skip meals ect..
asked how long I've been over weight...what wre my weights in the past.
Why do I think I'm over weight... like large portions and innactivity...
family history of obesity?...
He asked alot of cognitive questions.
I had to repeat #s... but in reverse.
Just some general knowledge questions.
He did ask me to explain the surgery procedures to him.
Just basic knowledge of wls and risks involved...
He asked what kind of childhood I had?
Nothing too deep...
Don't worry... it's really not that bad... Susie