'scale' WOW for me today
Those that know me know how dead set against standing on the scale I am on a frequent basis.... monthly for me at the best. For me it's never been 'about a number' and all that jazz; I won't lecture.....
Well, today after my workout and shower and drinking some water, I was in the change room and decided to get on the scale that we have. It's your nice expensive traditional doctor type counterbalance scale and I figured I could not recall the last time I was on a scale...wait, that's a lie...I know damb well last time I was on a scale, it was at the last monthly wed support group meeting and the scale hadn't moved for ~1month...but it's not about a number, right :) ?? Thats what I keep telling my sub-commitee; and I AM the CEO.
So I step on it.... move the weights over.....in my head i'm doing the math...sounds like this "ok, 150 plus 30 is 180...ok plus 40 would be 190...ok start at 35 and that's, like, 185 and slowly inch towards 40..."
I put the 'small' weight on 35...'clank' goes the arm...
"WHAT", I say to myself in my head..."that means it's too heavy"..
I jump off the scale....and re-zero it, thinking that something MUST be off.
nope - zeros properly, maybe a bit on the light side, but not way off...
I get back on....
my head again "ok, 150 plus thirty is 180..., right, yes it is simply math Greg...ok, start at 35 again.."
'clank' goes the arm...
"no f-ing way...ok, i'll humor the universe...inch it to the left and see how low I go"..
balanced out at 181 lbs
Needless to say I was shocked. I'm adding on 1lb to my stats (182lb) because I think the scale was a tad unbalanced. But still - 182, WOW!!!! Floored me.
Thanks for listening/reading.
Well, today after my workout and shower and drinking some water, I was in the change room and decided to get on the scale that we have. It's your nice expensive traditional doctor type counterbalance scale and I figured I could not recall the last time I was on a scale...wait, that's a lie...I know damb well last time I was on a scale, it was at the last monthly wed support group meeting and the scale hadn't moved for ~1month...but it's not about a number, right :) ?? Thats what I keep telling my sub-commitee; and I AM the CEO.
So I step on it.... move the weights over.....in my head i'm doing the math...sounds like this "ok, 150 plus 30 is 180...ok plus 40 would be 190...ok start at 35 and that's, like, 185 and slowly inch towards 40..."
I put the 'small' weight on 35...'clank' goes the arm...
"WHAT", I say to myself in my head..."that means it's too heavy"..
I jump off the scale....and re-zero it, thinking that something MUST be off.
nope - zeros properly, maybe a bit on the light side, but not way off...
I get back on....
my head again "ok, 150 plus thirty is 180..., right, yes it is simply math Greg...ok, start at 35 again.."
'clank' goes the arm...
"no f-ing way...ok, i'll humor the universe...inch it to the left and see how low I go"..
balanced out at 181 lbs

Needless to say I was shocked. I'm adding on 1lb to my stats (182lb) because I think the scale was a tad unbalanced. But still - 182, WOW!!!! Floored me.
Thanks for listening/reading.