mini update
things going well...
got another dose of steriods via iv last night before bed... also go a stool softener- besides pain meds and more benadryl to help the morphine itches...
had a spinal... went WAY better than epi with Lore... tubes tied... and the doc said everything looks perfect on the inside... I was the fastest c-section done yesterday... and I should of been one of the longest because of 2nd c-section, gastric bypass stuff, tubes being tied, and my fat flap- as i call it- hanging over the site...
Annabelle scored a 9 on that newborn test thingie... and has a major set of lungs... hates having her legs swalded... arms fine... legs- ****** her off... no other way to say it lol... also she did something Lore never ever did... she breastfeed off of one boob last night for about 10 good mins... had to lay on my side to do it which right now hurts soooo much to do... she didn't want the other boob and sucked down 5cc of formula...
she likes to snuggle sleep and it makes me wonder if she will be a snugglier... lore really wasn't one...
oh yeah Lore said she loves HER Annabelle... might because little sister got her a tink coloring book... but it made us laugh... also Lore completely amazed by my IV set up... I had to tell her alllll about last night in lots of details... but she asked me if that is how I got my water and medicine... how did she know that lol?
well going to sleep a little longer till they bring her back in at 6am... btw- visitors are fine... Liz knows which hospital we are at...
Congratulations. Prayed you and Annabelle would be safe, and you are. Lore sounds like Isabel when Lincoln was born. Big sisters are so cute.
Hope Annabelle and you continue to progress well.
Albert Schweitzer