O M G this $%^&*#$ Headache will not go away!
oy! I have had a constant headache for a week now. I had what I thought was a stomach virus (it was going around my house) for a day or so that had a headache component to it. The tummy thing got better but the headache will not leave me!
OK so now for my confession, I am VERY non compliant with my vitamins. My labs are pretty much perfect in spite of it except for B12 which has been low since 3 months out (260 then 216 now) My iron looks good (112 total, 325 binding 34% saturation) So I'm now taking 2000mcg B12 sublingual and REALLY trying to take my 2Xp/day multi vitamin....but I'm wondering could the low B12 be causing the headaches?
I don't need a lecture on the vitamins, I know I must take them and I'm making a point of getting on track. I'm just more curious with those who have had low B12 if you suffered from headaches.
OK so now for my confession, I am VERY non compliant with my vitamins. My labs are pretty much perfect in spite of it except for B12 which has been low since 3 months out (260 then 216 now) My iron looks good (112 total, 325 binding 34% saturation) So I'm now taking 2000mcg B12 sublingual and REALLY trying to take my 2Xp/day multi vitamin....but I'm wondering could the low B12 be causing the headaches?
I don't need a lecture on the vitamins, I know I must take them and I'm making a point of getting on track. I'm just more curious with those who have had low B12 if you suffered from headaches.
Liz i spoke with my PCP who told me to do the 2000mcg sublingual for 2 months and they would recheck my levels in a month and decide if I would go to shots.
Norm, I have never had allergies, but sure could be that too, didn't think of it. However i have no other symptoms (itchy eyes, sneezing etc)
Oh well, I suppose I shall just suffer in silence (sob sob sob) Perhaps I just need to drink more tequila!
Norm, I have never had allergies, but sure could be that too, didn't think of it. However i have no other symptoms (itchy eyes, sneezing etc)
Oh well, I suppose I shall just suffer in silence (sob sob sob) Perhaps I just need to drink more tequila!