She's Here!! ETA - PICS AND NAME!
Congrats Shannon, Jeremy and big sister Lorelei!! Squirmy has arrived and she is beautiful! Waiting on stats and more info - will update shortly!
OK here's the deal!!! Annabelle Leigh Samantha Owens is here ! 6 pounds 7 ounces 20 1/4" long! Born at 10:55am. LONG fingers and toes and just too cute!! Shannon feels good post-c-section, just got off of the phone with her. Lorelei had just gotten there to meet her little sister! I'll talk to her agian tonight and get more info.

OK here's the deal!!! Annabelle Leigh Samantha Owens is here ! 6 pounds 7 ounces 20 1/4" long! Born at 10:55am. LONG fingers and toes and just too cute!! Shannon feels good post-c-section, just got off of the phone with her. Lorelei had just gotten there to meet her little sister! I'll talk to her agian tonight and get more info.

ANother pic - the proud Mama and her beautiful girl!