OT: Quick update
Happy to hear Brian made it thru everything with flying colors and is doing well - let's face it - men are babies when it comes to that stuff (mostly by their own admission!) but it sounds like he's handling this extremely well.
And you've both quit smoking - that is freaking fantastic!!!
Smoked myself for 20 years - and now have been smoke-free for almost 20 - March 11 2010 will be my 20th anniversary date - still remember that first week - cried like a damn baby if someone even looked at me and said 'Are you okay?' - I would immediately burst into tears and say 'Yes, I quit smoking...' - my poor husband wanted to buy me a CASE of cigarettes after the first day but we made it thru and after that first dreadful week I was much, much better. So I wish you and Brian all the best with the quitting - and personally think cold turkey is the only way to go - change your routine - do whatever you have to do and take it one hour at a time, then one day...and the next thing you know it'll be a week or more and it does get easier from there.
And hey, we're a full service support group on this board so if you find yourself slipping or jonesing for a smoke come on out here and we'll kick your arse big time for even thinking about it!! LOL!!!
And you've both quit smoking - that is freaking fantastic!!!

And hey, we're a full service support group on this board so if you find yourself slipping or jonesing for a smoke come on out here and we'll kick your arse big time for even thinking about it!! LOL!!!