"I never thought I would ______ until I had surgery" Fill in the Blank!!
Never thought I'd say my weight outloud until I had surgery.
Never thought I'd give advice to people about what to eat to lower there caloric intake til I had surgery.
Never thought anyone would ever tell me I look fantasti****il I had surgery.
Never thought I'd be happy to wake up in the morning until I had surgery.
Never thought I'd be content weighing every morsel I put in my mouth until I had surgery.
Never ever thought I'd look at a size SMALL blouse and say to myself that looks kinda big until I had surgery.
Never thought I'd part with all my pre-surgery clothing until I had surgery.
Never thought I'd pass for almost normal in appearance until I had surgery.
Never ever thought a stranger would comment to me that I don't have a weight problem until I had surgery. (Its our little secret)
I never thought I would BE ABLE TO SHOP IN "REGULAR" STORES until I had surgery
I never thought I would BE COMFY WEARING A DRESS until I had surgery
I never thought I would BE ABLE TO RUN until I had surgery
I never thought I would FEEL COMFORTABLE IN A GYM until I had surgery
I never thought I would NOT FEEL HOT ALL THE TIME until I had surgery
I never thought I would EAT HEALTHY AND ENJOY IT until I had surgery
I never thought I would FEEL MY EMOTIONS INSTEAD OF NUMBING THEM WITH FOOD until I had surgery
I never thought I would BE COMFORTABLE IN MY OWN SKIN until I had surgery
I am so so so so so so so, etc. optimistic about what you will be able to do for our Western PA support group let alone having you as a personal friend and inspiree!!
I look at the posts above and I am so looking forward to be able to post the same after I have my WLS!!!!
All of you on the board is what keeps me going from day to day!!!!
Love you all,
I never thought I would care about myself, until I had surgery.
regards, keri
Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass... it's about learning to dance in the rain. --Author Uknown
I never thought I'd enjoy sex until I had surgery.
I never thought I'd divorce my husband until I had surgery.
I never thought I'd ride a bike until I had surgery.
Blessings, Jill
WLS 5/31/07. Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!
-fall even more in love with my husband
-be able to conceive a child (we'll work on carrying to term next)
-be confident enough to wear a sleeveless top
-be able to spend 10 hours in the heat working and not be in pain the following day
-LOVE fruit and veggies so much!
-have the confidence to share my recipes and start writing a cook book
until I had my surgery
There are so many I could list but these are the ones that come to mind at the moment