***TGIF Roll Call***

Patricia R.
on 8/27/09 3:49 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Everyone,
It is Friday, and I am up late, again, reveling in the end of summer vacation.

Friday has me taking my car to the shop for inspection.  I have a ton of finishing up to do on the organizing I am trying to complete.  After that, just no clue.

I hope everyone has a great day.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Pam Hart
on 8/27/09 4:04 pm - Easton, PA
Well I am *almost* ashamed to be posting this from home.  Notice the starred almost.  I got out of work early tonight due to over staffing which leaves my work week looking like this:

M:  7p-3a, (let out 4 hours early, CHOSE not to take PTO due to it being an OT week)
T:  7p-10:30p sent home sick (paid for all 12 hours between worked hours and sick time)
W:  Out sick (paid for all 12 hours due to sick time)
Th:  7p-1a (let out 6 hours early...CHOSE not to take PTO due to OT week)

So I worked a whopping 17.5 hours....but will only be short by a few hours in my check.  *nice*

I'm gonna have a snack and go to bed....

Once up we have a lot to do.  I need to pick up a few things from the food store...then we are hanging some pics and what not that we had framed but never hung...need to vaccuum up some extra linen in the space saver bags...and I have recipies to play with in the kitchen.  Also need to figure out dinner.....and I need to run over to a uniform store in Allentown cause they give LVH employees 25% off during the month of august and I just haven't had the time/money to get there...so I want to pick up my uniforms while I can still get a discount on them.

And that's about it :)

Enjoy your Friday!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 8/27/09 8:07 pm

Good morning all,

Finally Friday is here.  What a long long week.  I have an even longer weekend ahead getting ready for my surgery on Wednesday.  I have to make sure I get my place in order before I go.

I am still waiting on my medical clearance but I am pretty sure I will get it today.  The results came back to my surgeon's office yesterday and they faxed them over to my family doctor.  I went over to my family doctor and the associate doctor who saw me while my family doctor was on vacation was behind and the results were waiting on his desk.  While I was there my family doctor was between patients and saw me and came over.  He went and took a very quick peak at my paperwork and said that although he looked very briefly, he didn't notice any show stoppers, but since the other doctor started the paperwork, he will let him sign the clearance.  I called 4 hours later and the doctor still had not looked at the paperwork.  I called 3 hours later and they all went home...lol figures.

I am planning to call the doctor's office 1st thing this morning to see if it is signed, if not, I i will leave work at Noon and wait there until I get it and drive the clearance over to my surgeon's office myself....lol

The only thing that was strange was that I have a very small cyst on my right kidney that needs to be watched.  I will have to do another ultrasound in 6 months.  Strange my mom has the same thing.  It must be heritary.

I wish everyone a happy Friday and hope that all this paperwork waiting comes to an end.







Pam Hart
on 8/27/09 8:55 pm - Easton, PA

About the kidney thing - did they mention something called polycystic kidney disease?  If so - then yes, it is hereditary and will definately need to be monitored closely.  However, considering right now they mentioned "a" cyst, as opposed to "multiple cysts" it may not be that.

And anyway - some people are "prone" to cyst building in general....I'm guessing that too can be hereditary.

Good luck!  It's so frustrating to have to watch your own paperwork and stuff like that - but definately the BEST way to go about getting it done.  I hope you don't have to leave work early for that!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 8/27/09 9:02 pm
Thanks Pam.

They didn't mention what type of cyst.  My mom had gotten a cyst about 2 years ago and they got rid of it with laser.  It was benign.  Her's came back within a year though.

I will jus****ch it.  I assume it is benign as well, so not really worried about it, but will have i****ched.

Thanks Pam.
on 8/27/09 9:36 pm - Gettysburg, PA
I will also mention about the cyst. I work for a Nephrologist, and MANY of our patients have a cyst in one of thier kidneys. And we do the same. Monitor, and recheck every so often. Almost all of the patients have no symptoms or issues. Its just a cyst that is there and "hangs" out. It's rare that any of them are anything to be overly concerned about.

As long as it will be re-checked.....you are good to go!

Good luck with getting the clearance today. I know you are frustrated with them getting things signed off. But TRUST me when I tell you it's not because they are being lazy or not bothering. Offices get SOOOO busy with patients and appts, it's a struggle to get the paperwork doen too some days. But be persistent. I know first hand.....when a patient keeps calling about something....I eventually MAKE sure its done so the patient quits calling! LOL

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



on 8/27/09 8:47 pm, edited 8/27/09 8:48 pm
I am up early and see that its raining as I have wet dogs coming back to bed but I decided to get out of bed.  I have to meet with a client since I am working for a pet sitting business to get us thru til the state of NJ calls me back to work as it is seasonal.  I meet lots of interesting people and animals which works for me as I love animals. I started the side of my house chopping weeds down yesterday and had to run out on quite a few errands and managed to get food shopping done. I hope it is not going to rain all day as I have to finish that project today and I am going to hit the floor running. Meet with client, take care of 2 cats in seperate houses, Meet with boss at 1pm to get paid, run over to jersey to get bird food as I have a blue-gold macaw and 2 little ****atiels although I could go over tomorrow as Heather will be in NY to see Wicked on Broadway. Then physical theraphy at 4:30 and dinner tonight as I am making broiled scallops, broccolli and rice needless to say am not eating rice everyone else is eating brown rice. On day eight Linda rested.  Everyone have a great day. And to top it all off I have to even if its raining get rid of the stuff laying on the ground as tomorrow is yard pick up.  Hmmm I guess I better get out my rain gear huh? And just noticed there is a 3 hour difference on my time of post its 6:48 am where I am at.  What gives?
Pam Hart
on 8/27/09 8:57 pm - Easton, PA

There is ALWAYS a lag time between our time and the time of the posts.  I believe it is in central or pacific time, we are Eastern.  I'm not sure why.

And I do believe it is supposed to rain not only today, but for the rest of the weekend.  Hurricane "danny" is making his way up the coast.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 8/27/09 9:28 pm - Philadelphia, PA
LOL on the day eight comment!  enjoyed that one!  Don't forget to breathe somewhere in your schedule - it might help you get through?!?!
on 8/27/09 8:50 pm
Not much planned for today.  I might take a trip to Target and Kohl's.  Just to get out for awhile.  I can officially drive today and I am getting a little bored just hanging around the house.  Was out with DH's appointments yesterday but that was just the usual.  Had a friend take us because I didn't feel I should be pushing him around in the wheel chair just yet.  So I think today will be a "me" day.  I will however keep up with my protein drinks and walking.  One week out and feeling good!
Kathy K
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