OT: click to strike out skin cancer caused by sun damage
Sign the Pledge to Help Strike Out Sun Damage
With summer in full bloom, it is important to remember that incidental sun exposure - the kind one can get from just walking outside or working in the yard - can cause harmful damage which can lead to skin cancer. To raise awareness about the risks of incidental skin damage, Schering-Plough Corporation (NYSE:SGP), the makers of COPPERTONE®, have teamed up with New York Yankees' first baseman Mark Teixeira and the National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR) for the "Help Strike Out Sun Damage" campaign. Visit www.coppertone.com and click a link to take the "Help Strike Out Sun Damage" pledge. For every person who clicks, COPPERTONE® will donate one dollar, up to $30,000, to the NFCR to fund skin cancer research. Click here to sign the pledge today!