Ugghhh......I found out last night that Malitol is not my friend.
I like to get sugar free Jello pudding snacks occasionally for convenience. Well, my cheap-ness prevailed at the grocery store this weekend and I decided to try the Acme brand sugar free pudding. I dumped like a truck.......
Turns out the Jello brand pudding snacks are made with some version of splenda (good) and the Acme brand has 7 grams of sugar alcohol (baddddddd) !
Live and learn.......
I'm afraid to try protein bars with 20+g of sugar....I stick to my Atkins Choc. Chip Granola....but I want to try more.
The Atkins ones aren't bad, but if you want a real treat, try the Carb Conscious Supreme protein bars (they come in 2 sizes so beware of portion... I get the small ones). They do have 5g of sugar and 7g of sugar alcohols (from Maltitol, but not in first 5 ingredients) in the peanut butter ones. Total fat is 9g, cals 200, carbs 13g. As a meal replacement, they're pretty good and much lower in sugar than the others on the market.
Lisa thanks for the education I guess its also true you get what you pay for? Only kidding sorry that happened to you and hope you are feeling better and I will be sure to check the sugar alcohol I can remember when we had girl's day out in Morgantown and I bought sf fudge and didn't think about the sugar alcohol and needless to say I paid the price. You live and you learn huh? Feel better.