magic bullet
magic bullett is a must even if you have a reular food processor, it is no expensive and I am still using it almost 3 yrs out it is portable and very easy to clean the jar holds about 16 oz. it is about 50.00 if you live near a koh;s they have the rocket on sale this week it is the sameas the bullett and it was 19.00 yesterday
I used mine so much I killed it in 6 months lol... so now I use my normal blender... but first out... it was great... so anything like it will work... I like using my bigger blender now because I make 2 shakes at once... 1 for me and 1/2 for Lore and 1/2 for Jeremy... but there are lots of other ones like it... so read reviews and compair prices... I'm not sure what is the best right now...